There are many ways to cleanse, but one of the best ways is through the use of a bath spell. A spiritual bath is perfect anytime you need to cleanse yourself deeply. This is useful for getting rid of any kind of lingering bad energy, letting go of arguments or emotional disruptions, getting rid of disruptive spirits, or even energetically helping yourself to heal emotionally or physically.

Bath spells also do not require you to actually have a bathtub. If you have a bathtub, that’s great, but if you’re stuck with only a shower, you can still do this kind of spellwork. In fact, performing this kind of spell without a tub to soak in is actually more traditional in many ways. In the past, the average person did not have a big tub that they would soak in to get clean, nor would they have a shower so their ritual bathing had to adapt to what they had available.
Instead, what they would have is a basin or a large bucket that they would stand in and they would pour water over their heads. This allowed them to have the water cascade over their body, pulling all of the negative energy off of them and laying any spellwork on them as the water ran over their body. It also allowed them to catch the water in a basin so that they could dispose of it or use it in a way that was magically advantageous. You can do the exact same thing in your spiritual practice and get excellent results.
Why Use A Bath Spell?
Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty of how this kind of magic is performed, we first want to understand what we are doing and why we might choose to use this kind of spell over another. The first thing we need to consider is the nature of water as an elemental energy. Water is used for its solvent properties in a myriad of ways, and it works magically in much the same way. We shower using water to get clean because water picks up dirt and debris and all kinds of things off of our skin and carries it away down the drain. In the same way, water will pick up energies, absorb them into itself, and carry them away.
This also means that we can use water to hold energies that we want to transfer onto us as well. This is similar to how we might use rose water. We infuse the water with rose in order to transfer that rose essence evenly onto the skin. When we infuse an energy from an herb, a crystal, or something else into the water and then bathe ourselves with it, the magical properties that the water has absorbed are then transferred onto you and your energetic body.
This exact same property of energetic transfer allows us to work additional magic on the remaining bath water after we have taken our bath. This is something that very few other spells allow us to do. For example, if you try to cleanse yourself or uncross yourself using incense or smoke, you don’t have anything left over after the cleansing to work with. In a bath spell, you do. You have the water that has absorbed all of the negativity that it just washed off of you. And you can now do additional magic on that water to compound the effect of your magic.
For example, if you have been cursed or hexed and you are using an uncrossing bath, you can save some of the leftover water from your bath, take it to a crossroads, and pour it into the crossroads, asking the spirit of the crossroads to scatter the magic far and wide so that it can never return to you.
Now, a bath spell does come with some drawbacks. The first is that it is considerably more involved than simply getting some purifying incense and wafting it over yourself. For that reason, this isn’t the kind of cleansing you need to do on a daily or even weekly basis. Instead, I would recommend performing this kind of bath spell either on an as-needed basis, or monthly or quarterly for larger occasional cleansing as part of your regular spiritual hygiene practice.
How To Take A Magical Bath
Let’s talk about how to actually take a magical bath. There are two main methods that you can use for this. One with a bathtub and one without. We’re going start by first talking about how you prepare your magical bath because that is the same no matter what method you choose.
You will begin by choosing your herbs and materia, awakening them, and steeping them in a large quantity of hot water. One to three liters is typical. You will make petitions and pray over your magical wash as it is steeping to help infuse it with your intention and make sure that the spirits of your materia know exactly what it is that you need them to do. After steeping your herbs and making your petitions, you will allow your magical wash to come to a comfortable temperature, you do not want to be pouring boiling hot water over yourself! You may choose to strain the plant material out of your magical wash or leave it in. This is up to personal preference. You’re welcome to try both methods and see what works best for you.
If you are working with a bathtub, you will draw your bath at a comfortable temperature. You will place one white candle on each end of your bathtub, creating a kind of doorway for you to step through. You will petition these candles to keep everything that the bath washes off of you in the bath water as you step out. You will light these candles, step into your bath in between the two candles, and then you will take your magical wash and pour it over your head so that the warm water cascades down your body into the tub.
Once you have done this, you can get comfortable and soak in the tub, you can immerse yourself fully a few times and get every square inch of your body, and simply allow the plant spirits and the energy of the water to work on you. I recommend staying in the bath for at least 10 minutes, but you can stay in for a longer period of time if that is what feels correct for your spell.
When you are finished, you will stand up and step out of the tub, again, in between the two candles, and all of the negativity that you are trying to remove will stay behind in the bathwater. If you want to do additional spell work using your bath water such as taking it to a crossroads, this is when you will set aside a jar of the bath water and then you can drain the tub.
If you are doing this spell using a shower, you will follow essentially the same steps (including the candles), but without soaking. For this, you may want to create a larger quantity of magical wash, closer to three liters, so that you can really use the water to get every part of your body.
If you want to do additional magic on the water after your bath, you will want to have some kind of basin or bucket that you can stand in as you do this to ensure that you catch some of the water and it doesn’t all go down the drain.
You want to make sure that as you’re pouring the water over your head, you are getting the crown of your head, your face, your back, and every part of your body. I know you may not want to have to get your hair wet, but you must get the wash on your head. This is one of the most important parts of the bath. The crown of the head, the back of the neck, and the base of the spine are three of the most common places for negative energies and spirits to attach themselves to you, so you must get your magical wash on those areas.
A Bath Spell For Cleansing & Healing
You Will Need:
- Epsom salt or sea salt
- Bay leaves
- Lemon
- 1-3 liters of clean water (tap water is fine)
- 2 white candles
Begin by heating your water to a boil on the stove. While the water heats, awaken your herbs and salt, make your petitions, and ask for their assistance in your cleansing and healing. Once the water is boiling, remove it from the heat and add 1 lemon, sliced into rounds, 3 bay leaves, and a handful of salt. Epsom salt is used for healing or gentle cleansing, and sea salt is used for more intense cleansing. Allow the herbs to steep for 9 minutes and make sure the salt has completely dissolved. Remove the lemon slices and bay leaves and allow the water to cool to a comfortable temperature. You should be able to hold your hand in the water with no discomfort. Continue with your bath ritual in the manner described above.
What Do You Do After Your Bath Spell?
When you are finished with your cleansing bath, it’s recommended that you allow yourself to air dry. This allows the water to soak into your skin and all of the energies of the herbs and the magic that you have infused it with can soak into your aura. We don’t want to just towel all of that away and remove it from our skin. Allow yourself to air dry, if at all possible, and then put on fresh, clean clothing.
Continue on with any additional spell work that you plan to do with your bath water or continue your magical process with other spells such as casting a road opening spell, success magic, or protection spells.
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