Money magic is something that every witch or occultist should apply liberally to their life and practice. Even if you are making tons of money currently, You should be implementing money magic to ensure that you are bulletproofing your income and your job for the future, because you never know when things might turn south. And if you’re struggling with money? It’s time to double down on the magic and get your financial situation shored up and stable using your craft.

By putting a number of money attraction spells, job protection spells, and other forms of money magic in place, you can cumulatively build an incredible magical force that can create and protect the wealth that you want in your life. Today we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite forms of money attraction magic, and that is the money bowl spell.
What Is A Money Bowl?
There are essentially two categories of money attraction spells that we can use. There are short-term money drawing spells that we cast to bring in a specific amount of money in the short term. These spells go out, they bring in that one amount of money, and then they’re done. They dissipate and they do nothing else.
The second type of spell is long-term money attraction spells. These are spells that you cast once and then maintain over months and years to consistently draw money and wealth into your life. A money bowl falls into this second category. It is a long-term money attraction spell to help keep money flowing into your life month in and month out.
The number one mistake that I see many newer witches and magicians making with their money magic is that they’re only using the short-term variety of money magic when they encounter some kind of financial emergency. By only using this form of magic, they are essentially ensuring that they will always be in a state of short-term lack and emergency, and this turns into a vicious cycle of constantly having to do money spells just to make ends meet. If you really want to use your magic to create a better life, you need to be using magic that attracts and creates money over the long term, all the time, whether you are actively doing tons of rituals or not.
This is where a money bowl comes in. A money bowl is essentially a wealth attraction magnet. Once it is set up, it requires only a little bit of regular maintenance to continue drawing more and more money into your life consistently. It’s a powerful way to shore up your financial abundance magically without spending a huge amount of time and energy on repeat spellwork.
Money bowls are also incredibly versatile and adaptable. A money bowl is essentially just a bowl where you place a variety of money-attracting objects and herbs so that the spirits of these items can draw wealth into your life. This means that you can add and subtract items as you need to change the overall tone of the bowl and the way that it draws money to you. This spell could even be adapted into a money jar if you need to keep it somewhere hidden.
How To Make A Money Bowl
The most important thing that you need to know about making a prosperity bowl is that in order for the money bowl to work, you have to awaken the spirits of everything you add to the bowl. By conjuring these spirits and putting them into a single spell together, you are essentially creating a new spirit, a composite spirit that is designed to bring money into your life. If you skip this step and you don’t awaken your materia, all you really have is a bowl of stuff that happens to be related to money. It won’t necessarily have any of the magical potential that you want it to. This means that everything that you put into your money bowl needs to be carefully considered because the spirit of that item is going to be what is bringing money into your life.
So let’s take a look at what you will want to add to your own money bowl. The first thing to consider is the bowl itself. Now if you don’t have many choices and you don’t have a lot of money right now the answer is to use whatever you have. A cereal bowl will work just fine. If you have a little bit more flexibility, try to find a bowl that is roughly the same size as a cereal bowl, not too large and not too small, that is decorative in some way or that feels like wealth and luxury to you. It might have touches of gold on it, or it might be made out of green glass.
Next, we want to choose our base. A lot of people suggest salt as a base for a money bowl, but I don’t necessarily think this is the best choice. Salt as the earth element is related to wealth in some ways, but I think it can be greatly improved upon. If you want to use salt, you can use it as part of your base, but I would not suggest using it as your entire base. Instead, what I would recommend as the base for your money bowl are magnetic sand and pyrite chips. Mix these together with or without some salt and you’ll use it to create a thick layer in the bottom of your bowl to help anchor the other items that you place in it.
Next, you will want to choose some herbs for your money bowl. There are a few herbs that I recommend for every single money bowl, but there’s also a lot of flexibility about what you add to change the overall tone and function of your money bowl.
The first herb that you definitely want to use is basil. Basil is a fantastic money herb because it doesn’t just draw money into your life, it draws opportunities for greater abundance into your life. This means new job opportunities, promotions, side gigs, customers, and anything that you can capitalize on to make money. I like basil so much that have an entire blog post about why basil is such a fantastic herb to work with.
Next, you’ll want to add bay leaves. Dried bay leaf is a fantastic herb for all things success, victory, wealth, and manifestation. This is a solar herb so it’s associated with all of those solar attributes such as prosperity, money, fun, expansion, and joy. By adding a few bay leaves to your bowl, you’re inviting this powerful energy into your financial life.
The last must-have herb is cinnamon. You can add ground cinnamon but I really prefer cinnamon sticks simply because they hold their integrity and magical potency for longer. Cinnamon is another solar herb to bring in those energies of protection and prosperity. It’s a fiery herb but rather than being a quick, hot burn, this is the slow, warming burn of a fireplace in winter. It brings warmth, joy, and financial abundance to your life.
Here are a few other herbs to consider adding to your bowl:
- Cardamom – Luxury, love, passion, the Venusian side of money. Think indulgence.
- Cloves – Creates a sanctuary. Protective for your money.
- Ginger – Fiery, speeds up results but can overheat things if used in excess.
- Patchouli – Earthy and grounding. Positive drawing herb that attracts all kind of good things.
- Allspice – Good for business owners.
- Orange peel – Another great solar herb.
- Pine needles – Wonderful for prosperity particularly for business owners.
- Echinacea – Very powerful money drawing.
- Nutmeg – Attracts money and luck, helps with good decision making.
- Alfalfa – Protection against poverty, draws in prosperity and a happy home.
The next thing you want to add to your money bowl is actual money. A lot of people make this mistake, they will throw all kinds of abundance herbs and stones into their money bowl, but they won’t add any actual money. This can cause abundance to come to them in a lot of ways other than through actual money. Abundance is not simply money, but also opportunities, relationships, ease, time, etc. We want our money bowl to be bringing in actual money, so we need to put actual money into it.
There are two different categories of money that I would suggest you use. If you can only get a hold of one, that’s fine, but both are preferable. The first is actual currency from the place where you live. This could be a dollar bill, euros, pesos, pocket change, or whatever form of money you use.
The second category is coins that are actually made out of real silver or gold. It doesn’t matter where they are from. Purchasing silver dimes or gold-clad collector’s coins online is a fantastic addition to your money bowl because these two metals hold a particularly potent form of wealth energy. If you can’t get silver or gold coins, you can also put other forms of silver and gold into the bowl, such as gold flakes or silver earrings, but coins are preferred. Again, we want our magic to bring in money, not things adjacent to money.
Everything from this point forward is really up to the individual magician. The base contents of the bowl are set. Now your get to add things that are meaningful to you and that you know work well for you personally.
You can add some wealth-loving stones to your bowl. If you know how to work with a lodestone, a lodestone is a fantastic addition. You can also add hematite for attraction or pyrite if you don’t have that in your base already. Other wealth stones that would make great additions are green aventurine, jade, pyrite, citrine, and green calcite.
You can also add money-attracting talismans or amulets, such as the second pentacle of Jupiter to enhance the money bowl. You can add a taglock to the bowl such as a lock of your own hair. You can also add things that would connect the bowl to your career or to your business, for example, your business card or the logo of your business. Feel free to get creative and add any other money related items that you can think of that you would like to add.
The actual process of putting your money bowl together is fairly simple. You will start by collecting all of your items in one place, and then one by one you will awaken each item. First, you will awaken the bowl itself, then all of the materials you plan to use for the base. You will layer your base in the bowl. And then, one by one, you will awaken each item, make your petitions, and place it in the bowl. Try to make this as visually appealing as you can. The order and organization of it is really up to you and your personal taste.
When you have all of your items and herbs awakened and placed in your bowl, this is an excellent time to create a master petition. This is a small piece of paper where you write down your desire for money in a clear and concise way. You can think of this as the base instructions for the spirits of your bowl, it should be broad enough to work long term. You can anoint this paper with a little bit of money oil and place it in your bowl as well. And with that, the initial construction of your money bowl is done!
That said, there is much more that you can do with this bowl. Remember that this bowl houses the spirits that you have called up to aid you in attracting and making money, so you can work with this bowl and its spirits in many ways to do magic. For example, you can burn a white candle or green candle anointed with money oil for the spirits. You can make additional petitions for an exact amount of money, a promotion, or general good fortune and add them to the bowl when you need them. You can whisper your needs and desires to the spirits of the bowl to give them specific instructions for what you want to need. These are all ways to actively work with your bowl on a daily or weekly basis.
You will also need to do monthly maintenance work. You have conjured these spirits to do magical work for you, but in order for them to do good work, they need offerings and directions from you. So at least once a month (I would choose a nice easy-to-remember date, such as on the first of the month) you will do a ritual to make offerings and petitions to your bowl. This must be done every month without fail, it is not something you can skip. The spirit of your money bowl can die if you forget to feed it and care for it. These are living spirits, not inert objects!
During your monthly ritual, you will call up the spirits of your money bowl and you will make offerings. You can light incense, pour libations into a separate container for them, refresh the money oil on your petition papers, write new petition papers, and burn candles for the spirits. This is your time to sit down, talk to the spirits, ask them what you want and need, and to take care of their needs in turn.
By really prioritizing the importance of this ritual, you show these spirits that this is a reciprocal relationship and not one where you will take and never give in turn. By working with this money bowl month in and month out, you strengthen your relationship with these spirits and empower these spirits to work in bigger and better ways over time. This is a spell that cumulatively gets better the more that you work it. If you really want to improve your financial situation quickly, you could even perform this kind of ritual on a weekly basis rather than monthly.
Finally, I see some people recommending that on occasion you take your money bowl apart, clean everything, and then put it back together. Please do not do this. By taking everything apart, you are essentially taking the composite of your magic and all of the momentum that it has built and you are dispersing it. You are dismantling it and basically making it so that you have to start fresh.
The point of this kind of magic is to get long-term, cumulative results. If you start taking your money bowl apart for some reason every month, you will not get those results. Many spirits have been called upon to work in your money bowl, however, your money bowl is not simply a lot of spirits working together. By awakening the materia, and putting everything together in this money bowl, you are essentially creating a new spirit, a composite spirit of everything you have put into this bowl. This is a personal wealth spirit whose entire existence revolves around making you money. If you take your money bowl apart, this spirit dies. So do not take your money bowl apart unless you are disbanding this spell entirely and intend to get rid of it.
This kind of spellwork is truly incredible for enhancing and protecting your wealth and financial well-being over the long term. It’s a spell that you can create once and reap the rewards for years to come. No matter what your situation is financially right now, this is the time to begin working your money magic to ensure that your future is prosperous.
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