Whether you’re job hunting, looking for business success, or taking care of your financial needs, witchcraft can be a huge help when you’re trying to enhance your career and attract more success into your life. It’s way too easy to get stuck on the hamster wheel of just trying to work harder as you pursue your goals and while putting the work in is important, as witches we know that sometimes you have to work smarter, not harder.

You can amplify the efficacy of your hard work by using magic to speed things along, bring in opportunities, and get cooperation from the people around you. From job spells to money spells, there are powerful spells for any career or success goal you might have.
Now, there are a few rules you should keep in mind before we get into the spellcasting itself.
First, your spellwork should NEVER act against the real world necessities for your goals. If you’re using a resume spell, the resume with the herbs and oils on it stays on your altar, you do not submit it! No prospective employer is going to hire someone whose resume looks like a mess of grease and crumbs. This goes for all of your spellwork. Think about how it’ll make you look in the professional sphere and if it’s not good, find an alternative.
Next, you have to walk the walk. It doesn’t matter how many spells you do, if you show up to job interviews looking like a slob or you’re routinely late to work, your spells aren’t going to be able to counteract that enough to get you the new job or promotion that you’re after. Your mundane actions need to match and support your magical work, not contradict it.
And finally, if you’re really new to witchcraft, understand that magic is a skill and it takes practice to get really good at it. Cast your spells but remember that you wouldn’t expect to be an Olympic swimmer the first time you get in the water, you shouldn’t expect to be an instant expert at magic either. If you don’t get results right away, that’s normal, keep learning and trying and you will get there.
Career Road Opener
If you’re ready for new opportunities to come your way, this is the spell to use. Whether it’s new projects, new networking opportunities, the chance at your dream job, or a new stream of revenue, this spell clears the way for more success and opportunity to enter your life. If you’ve been feeling blocked, stagnant, or just blah in your career, this is where you should start.
You will need:
- a small white candle
- salt
- sage
- lemongrass
- rue
- cedar leaf
- a plate
- a carving tool (something sharp and pointy)
- A plate
- 4 skeleton keys
- road opening oil (or olive oil)
On a plate, create a cross out of salt, and align the branches with the cardinal directions. Sprinkle with sage, lemongrass, rue, and cedar leaf. Place a skeleton key at the end of each branch of salt, with the keys facing outward. Take a white candle and carve your name and petitions to open the road to your success and abundance into the candle. Anoint the candle with road opening oil if you have it, otherwise olive oil will do. Place the candle in the center of your salt cross, light it and as it burns, you can say petitions for your roads to open, meditate, visualize, or contemplate your desired end result. Allow the candle to completely burn out. Discard the spell remains.
Resume Spell
This spell is a classic and perfect for anytime you’re looking for a new job. To get the best effect, make sure that your resume is up to date and well formatted and then you need to actually submit your resume! This spell doesn’t work if you don’t apply to jobs. Your spell copy of the resume stays on your altar until you have the new job, after you have the job you can bury it on your property or store it somewhere safe help you keep the job.
You Will Need:
- Your printed resume
- A candle
- Items that make you think of wealth (I like $2 bills, coins, gold items, statues of any beings you want to call on, extra candles, patchouli incense, etc.)
- Money Oil
Take your printed resume and write what you want out of your new job on the back. Put the resume on your altar. Place a candle on top of the resume and surround it with items that represent wealth to you. If you’ve found that perfect job and you’re trying to get hired somewhere specific, write the name of the company on the top of the paper and then write your name over it.
Put a drop of money oil (you can buy this or find a recipe and make your own) on each of the 4 corners of the resume and 4 drops onto the candle. A green or gold candle works well but white candles will also do. Light the candle, make petitions, pray, or use affirmations as you like. This spell is a good one to tend weekly, daily if you’re in a hurry and need that job asap. To tend the spell, simply add more oil, light the candles, and spend some time praying or making petitions/affirmations.
Promotion Candle Spell
What’s better than being appreciated at work? Getting paid more, of course! This spell focuses on drawing attention to hard work and financially rewarding you for it. Note: If you’re under performing at work this spell will bring your employer’s attention to it as well, so proceed with caution!
You will need:
- One yellow or gold candle
- Bergamot oil
- One clear quartz
- Pencil and paper for sigil making
- A fireproof work surface
First, you must create a sigil for getting noticed at work and rewarded for it. Your line of intent should be something along the lines of, “My employer notices my good work and offers me a promotion.” You may word this any way you wish, just make sure you include that you are noticed and rewarded.
Once you’ve got your sigil, tear away any loose edges of paper and fold the paper into a bowl shape. Anoint your candle with bergamot oil and light it. Let a small drop of wax fall in the middle of the work surface, then place the sigil in the wax so it sits upright (it will tend to roll to its side without support, which will make burning it more difficult). Put the clear quartz inside the sigil bowl and light the edges. Repeat your intent out loud as your sigil burns away. Make sure your entire sigil burns and no paper remains. Place a drop of the bergamot oil on your quartz, then roll it around in the ash, covering it with the remains of your sigil. Blow any remaining ash southward.
Now, you may keep the quartz with you or hide it somewhere where you work (your desk will work just fine if you don’t want to risk someone finding it and carting it away).
Boss Sweetening
Honey jars are used in situations where you want to make people favor you. This is useful in all kinds of relationship work, but it’s fabulous for making your boss or coworkers treat you better, improving your chances at a promotion, and dealing with any kind of minor conflict in your professional life.
Honey jars are slower to take effect so don’t expect dramatic change but over time, you should begin to notice a more positive disposition toward you in those you’re working to sweeten. The results can take a while to work, but they stick around for a long time too. This spell can be worked indefinitely by carving and anointing a new candle whenever the old one burns out so you can maintain the spell and its results for as long as you need. This spell can be cast a single time but it works best when you return to it repeatedly. Pick a day of the week or month and work the spell the way I describe below on a regular basis.
You Will Need:
- a glass jar
- a small piece of paper and a pen (not a pencil)
- honey
- cinnamon
- allspice
- clove
- high john the conqueror root
- a green candle

First, write a petition like the one shown here. Write the name of your boss or the other person you wish to target so that it forms a small square of text. Turn the paper 90 degrees and then write your own name on top, crossing the target’s name. Finish by writing your petition in an unbroken circle around the names. Do not pick your pen up! Your petition might be something like “[your boss’s name] is always impressed with my work and wants to give me a promotion”.
Fold the paper toward you. Turn it 90 degrees and fold it again. Place the petition in your jar and cover it with the honey, spices, and high john. The paper must be completely covered. Secure the lid tightly.
To work the spell: Take your candle and carve your name with your targets name under it. Adhere the candle to the lid (just melt the bottom and let a little hot wax drip on the lid so the candle sticks), light the candle, and let the candle burn completely. Feel free to visualize your desired outcome or meditate as the candle burns. To work the spell jar repeatedly, just carve and anoint a new candle every week or month for as long as you want to maintain the results of the spell.
Money Attraction Talisman
I love this talisman both because it’s incredibly easy to make and really effective. This talisman is amazing if you’re just looking to receive more money whether you’re already working at a good job, trying to get more steady work as a freelancer, or a business owner wanting more customers. The talisman needs to be kept in a safe place where your money hangs out so if you’re working a regular job or you work online, put the talisman in your wallet or purse. If you own a business with a cash register, put the talisman in the register. This spell works best if performed while Jupiter is visible in the sky, you can apps like Stellarium to figure out when that is.
You Will Need:
- paper and a pen or pencil
- Money oil
Start by drawing or printing the first pentacle of Jupiter shown below. Printing works fine but if you go the printed route, you’ll want to trace over the lines with your pen or pencil after. The pentacle should be small enough to fit easily in your wallet but large enough to write on the back of it. Cut out the pentacle, I cut in a square rather than cutting out the circle itself.

Next, write your petition on the back of the pentacle. The specific petition will be different for everyone. If you need a specific amount of money then you would write “I receive [specific dollar amount]”. If you want to simply attract more money in general you could write “I am always receiving more money, in ever increasing amounts”. Figure out what you specifically need and write a petition for that. You’ll want to write the petition in a circle on the back of the pentacle without lifting your pen from the paper. Write your full name in the middle of the circle
Note: If you make a talisman for a specific amount of money, the talisman is spent after you receive the money. You’ll need to make a new one if you want to attract more.
Anoint the pentacle with a money oil of your choosing or Jupiter oil. Keep the talisman in your wallet or cash register and anoint it with more oil quarterly when Jupiter is visible in the sky.
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Updated on December 11, 2024 by Avery Hart