Moon water is such a useful tool to use in your witchcraft. It can add so much power and energy to your spells and help you to harness the moon’s energy to fuel and direct your magic and enhance many spiritual practices. Unfortunately, the instructions for how to create moon water are often pretty vague. They tell you to pop some water out under the moonlight and that’s about it.

Having been teaching magic for as long as I have, I know that most new witches have a lot of questions about moon water, how to make it, whether they’ve made it correctly, the kinds of parameters and limitations there are, and most importantly, how to use it.
That’s what we’re going to be talking about today. I’m going to walk you through exactly how to make the powerful tool that is moon water, I’ll answer all of your questions, and I will give you 30 ways to use your moon water in your magical practices.
How To Make Moon Water
Making moon water sounds very simple. You take some water, and leave it out under the light of the full moon to absorb the moon’s energy. But in practice, it’s never really that easy. We have to think about things like what moon phase is actually correct for our purposes? What are we trying to do with this moon water? What kind of container are we putting it in? What kind of water are we using? There are a lot of things that go into making moon water correctly and getting the most out of it magically!
So let’s start by just getting the absolute basics of how to make your own moon water down. The first step is choosing the moon phase that you want to harness. Every phase of the moon, and different points within the phases of the moon, hold different energies and are good for a specific intention.
The new moon is a good time for new beginnings, for starting things, setting new intentions, personal growth, for getting a fresh slate, for darker workings, and for emotional healing.
The full moon is good for bringing a project to its full completion, success, luck, completion, community, anything that you can associate with the fullness of life and of course, full moon rituals.
The waning moon, which is the time between the full moon and the new moon when the moon is getting smaller, can be used for banishing, for protective magic, for binding magic, putting up wards, ridding yourself of negative energy, any kind of magic where you want to get rid of or shrink something or take advantage of this phases cleansing properties.
The waxing moon, when the moon is between new and full and when it’s getting larger, is the best time for attraction magic, attracting new love, attracting money, attracting success, growing a business, growing a family, pulling in positive energy, anything where you are pulling something towards you or helping something to grow.
Planning the moon phase that you want to use is the absolute most important step that you take when you are making moon water. If you don’t know what kind of work you are making moon water for, it’s very difficult to get the right kind of lunar energy for the magic that you plan to do. You can do magic with more general lunar energies but for that, you’ll want to use full moon water. So to start, think about the magic that you want to do over the next month, and ask yourself what lunar phase is going to be most appropriate for that magic. That is the lunar phase that you’re going to want to use to create your moon water.
After that, we want to make sure that we’re using clean, purified water in most circumstances. I say in most circumstances because there are times when you will want to combine the energies of a natural source of water with lunar energies. In that case you are asking the spirits of the water, the river, ocean, or lake, to take on some of these lunar qualities to help you in your magic. But that is a little bit more advanced, so barring that, as long as you are not intentionally working with the local spirits of a body of water, you just want to use clean, purified water. If your tap water is clean enough to drink, then tap water is fine. If not, then bottled spring water works too.
You’ll want to use clear glass containers such as a glass jar, put your water in it. Make sure you put a lid on it, and then set the jar somewhere where it can get direct moonlight during the lunar phase that you are trying to capture. I use a mason jar but even a recycled jam jar will do fine.
It really is that simple. There are a few things you have to think about, such as the water source and what moon phase you’re trying to capture. But outside of that, you just need to put the jar of water somewhere that it can get the energy of the moon into it.
Water itself is an incredibly absorbent material from an energetic perspective. Anything that comes in contact with water will begin to energetically imprint the water. So the water will absorb those energies and hold on to them. Your intention for your moon water helps to entrain this water with the lunar energies so that you can hold on to those energies for a period of time and use those energies whenever you need them.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I left my moon water out too long and it got sun, what now?
If you leave your moon water out overnight and forget to grab it before sunrise in the morning, you do not want to use that as moon water. Essentially, if the moon water has gotten sunlight, it is no longer moon water and you do not want to use it for that purpose in your magic. You will be mixing energies and you will have a much more difficult time getting the magic to do what you want because of these conflicting energies that the water holds. You want to make sure that you are protecting your moon water from sunlight after you collect it.
This means either you need to get up pretty early to make sure you grab your moon water before the sun rises, or if you’re more of a night owl, you can put your moon water out early in the evening and bring it in before you go to bed after it’s had at least three hours to sit out under the moonlight. A full night is excellent and definitely preferable, but if waking up first thing in the morning before the sun rises to get your moon water sounds like absolute hell to you, then it’s fine to just let your moon water absorb a few hours of moonlight and call it good. Better to have moon water that’s a tiny bit less potent than moon water that’s energetically muddied.
2. What moon phase is best for moon water?
There really is no best moon phase for making moon water. It’s all about what you plan to do with your moon water. You want to make sure you’re capturing the correct kind of lunar energy for the work that you’re doing.
If you’re working with the moon as a planetary energy, then you would want to capture that lunar energy at its fullest, at the full moon. So if you’re doing general lunar work, such as working with divination, scrying, your psychic abilities, or dream work, if you’re trying to delve into the realm of the unconscious, or you’re doing work around feminine energies and want to bring some of that lunar energy into that kind of magic, then just go with the full moon.
Otherwise, you want to figure out what it is you actually need the moon water to do and focus on that phase of the moon.
Moon water is just a way to take the energy of a specific lunar phase and make it so that you can use that energy at any point in time during the month. So if you’re using new moon water during a waning moon, a spell that really needs that new moon energy will still work, even though the lunar phase is not quite right for it. That is the entire point of your moon water. So you want to make sure that you know what phase you’re going to use and pick what is best for the lunar magic that you’re going to be doing.
Essentially the best moon phase is the one that helps you and your magic the most.
3. How should I store moon water?
Make sure that you store your moon water in an opaque container in a dark place! You do not want to store your moon water in the clear container that you made it in. We make moon water in glass so that the light of the moon can penetrate the glass and get to the water. We do not want to allow that to happen once the moon water has been made. If you want to keep your moon water really safe, find some kind of opaque jar to put it in. This might be an old thermos. You might just paint the outside of a jar black. But whatever container that you use to store your moon water, you want it to be light tight.
In general, your moon water is probably going to be stored in your pantry, in your fridge, somewhere relatively dark most of the time. But you have to open those places in order to get your moon water. If you’re opening your fridge in order to pull your moon water out, or just to make eggs in the morning, you are going to be exposing that moon water to light. You do not want to allow sunlight to get to your moon water. The clearer and cleaner you can keep that energy, the better it will work in your magic.
Outside of that, where you store your moon water is really just about how long you plan to keep it. For example, if you know that you are going to be using your moon water within 3-5 days, it’s probably fine to put it in your pantry. If you want to make sure that it stays good for the entire month, then you want to keep it in your fridge. This is just to keep the water itself from going foul and contaminating the energies that way.
4. How long is moon water good for?
In general, lunar water will keep for about one month, or one lunar cycle. I would not recommend keeping lunar water longer than a single lunar cycle.
The reality is that while water is very absorbent and takes in a lot of energies, it will also release those energies over time. We’re helping to mitigate that process a bit by keeping your water safe in an opaque container so that other light doesn’t get into it, but the water will still release these energies slowly over time. So I wouldn’t recommend making moon water and trying to use it for an entire year. You want to make moon water at the nearest correct lunar phase to the magic you actually want to do, because then your lunar water will be the absolute strongest it possibly can be.
If you need to do some emergency magic, say you need to banish something from your life, but the last waning moon has already passed, and you only have moon water that is more than a single lunar cycle old, then it is okay to use older moon water, but that moon water will be less effective. So in a pinch, if you have old waning moon water that has been sitting in your fridge for 45 days, you can use it, but it will always serve your magic better to have the freshest possible lunar water that you can.
The one caveat I’ll add here is that freezing your moon water can cause the energies to last a bit longer. If you freeze moon water, you can probably use it for up to 90 days BUT you have to make sure you’re storing it in a freezer safe container. A lot of jars have shoulders and will burst as the liquid freezes.
5. Can I add other things to my moon water?
Yes, you can absolutely add other things to your moon water.
You can add water-safe crystals to your moon water. Clear quartz is an excellent option because it’s both safe to put in water and it will amplify whatever energy is present around it. This will essentially give you extra strength moon water. So putting a clear quartz crystal into your lunar water is a great way to enhance your lunar magic.
You can also use other stones that are associated with the energies that you’re trying to work with, as long as the crystal is safe. Please do your research about whatever crystal you want to use! Water will damage many crystals and some crystals have toxic components in them that will leach out into the water and can be quite dangerous. So please make sure that you read up on the crystals that you want to place in your water before you do so or you risk ruining your favorite crystals.
You can also put herbs into your water before leaving it out to absorb the moonlight. This is especially great with lunar herbs like mugwort, chamomile, or white rose petals. Any plant that you would work with in lunar magics will work beautifully to enhance and harmonize with the energies of the moon phase that you are capturing.
You can simply put a tablespoon or so of your herb into the water and give it a good shake before you put it out. When you are getting ready to store your moon water, you want to strain out the herbs before storing it to keep it from fermenting and getting gross. If you wanted to leave the herbs in your mixture, you could also add something like a high grain alcohol to your water to help preserve those herbs and prevent them from molding or beginning to break down.
6. Can I make moon water indoors?
Yes, you can absolutely make moon water indoors. The light of the moon is already having to filter through the glass of the jar, so filtering through the glass of the window shouldn’t cause any problems. The one caveat here is that you want to make sure that whatever window you’re using gets full moonlight. If you cannot clearly see the moon from this window, you will not get adequate moonlight to charge your moon water. So as long as you have a window that can see the moon during the particular phase you are interested in, you should be just fine making it indoors.
30 Ways To Use Moon Water
Personal Cleansing & Purification
- Ritual bath additive for spiritual cleansing
- Face wash for clarity and intuition enhancement
- Sacred shower water for energetic renewal
- Hand washing before divination practices
- Hair rinse during the full moon for spiritual growth
Altar & Sacred Space
- Cleansing altar tools and sacred objects
- Refreshing crystal collections
- Blessing new ritual items
- Creating sacred circles
- Purifying magical jewelry
Spellwork & Rituals
- Base for potion making
- Strengthening spell jars
- Enhancing sigil activation
- Charging talismans and amulets
- Adding to manifestation rituals
Home & Environment
- Blessing doorways and thresholds
- Cleansing rooms of negative energy
- Watering magical herbs and plants
- Creating protective barriers
- Cleaning mirrors for scrying
Healing & Wellness
- Adding to healing and spiritual baths
- Creating moon-charged sprays
- Blessing crystals
- Enhanced meditation water
- Dream work enhancement
Special Applications
- Creating magical inks
- Charging divination tools
- Creating full moon elixirs
- Blessing new magical journals
- Consecrating ritual clothing
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