The full moon is arguably the most powerful time of the lunar cycle. It’s certainly a sight to behold as it hangs in the sky and shines down on you like a big spotlight, bathing you in a powerful and transformative lunar energy.
The full moon can give witches an “all-purpose” kind of energy you can use to boost the effectiveness of any spell you wish to perform.

Whether you’re looking for spiritual growth, are setting intentions, are looking to call in new love, want to make some moon water, create a fresh start, or perform any of the thousands of manifestation rituals out there, the full moon is a good time to call down the energy of the moon to enhance your magic. To take advantage of this energy, you don’t have to throw a huge full moon ceremony with a group of other witches whenever the full moon comes around. You can create your own personal way of tapping into this special energy.
There are so many incredible ways to work with the phases of the moon but if you’re anything like me, you’ve seen the routine, simple ritual where you set intentions and focus on personal growth and positive energy and that’s it. This is great if you just want something basic and don’t have anything big you’re trying to change but I’m here doing magic because I like being able to take control of my life! I want to be able to fix problems, overcome obstacles, and create new opportunities for myself and there’s no way I’m letting the power of the full moon’s energy go to waste. If you’re looking for several more unique ways to get started using full moon rituals in your witchcraft, here are four full moon spells to try.
Pentacle Prosperity Spell
Use this spell to manifest a growing income and long-term wealth. This spell is designed to bring more money into your life and to use that money to make wise investments. This is a fantastic spell to do when you’re saving for the down payment on a house, making a plan to provide for your family or partner, selling a home, or starting a new business. The full moon is a great time for protecting and blessing those BIG milestone investments we make throughout our lives. For those of you who are looking for a way to shore up your financial foundations with magic, this can be performed as a monthly ritual to keep the prosperity and abundance flowing year round.
What You’ll Need:
- Ten of Pentacles tarot card – this card holds the energy of abundance that flows through multiple generations. This card isn’t necessarily about quick cash; this card can be used to call in long-term prosperity so you can leave behind a legacy.
- A coin
- Blanket (optional)
On the night of the full moon lay down on your back on the ground. You can spread the blanket out underneath you if that makes you more comfortable. It’s best to do this outside under the moon, but as long as you’re clear with your intention, you can perform this spell anywhere.
Place the Ten of Pentacles tarot card on the place in your body where you “sense” that you make financial decisions from. This could be anywhere on your body—your head, your heart, your stomach (gut), or even your pelvis.
If you’re not sure, spend a minute or two pondering your next big financial decision and notice where you feel any kind of sensation. This could feel like a fluttering in your stomach, a wrinkled forehead, or a tingle of energy in your chest. Wherever you feel that, position the tarot card there so that the front of the card (with the pentacles) is facing up towards the moon. Set the coin on top of the card.
Spread your legs on the ground and extend your arms out like you’re about to make a snow angel. You’re essentially making your body into the points of a pentagram—your head at the top, and your two hands and feet as the other four points.
If you’re new to witchcraft, some witches associate the pentagram with protection and power. That power and protection will be used in this spell to bring you the power to call in wealth and protect your investments.
To activate your spell, think or speak your intention aloud, energetically sending it up to the moon. The full moon appears to you as a perfect circle. The moon’s circle and your body’s pentagram shape create the shape of a pentacle.
“I call on the power of the prosperous full moon to merge with the energy of the protective pentagram. Tonight, our shapes merge to create a pentacle. Together, the moon and I manifest a lifetime of golden coins.”
The card and the coin are symbolic of your intention to co-create with the moon’s energy. Your energy is underneath the card and coin, while the moon’s energy shines down from above. The two energies will meet and mix where the card and coin are. The card and the coin represent long-term wealth, which is the desired result of your spell.
Gaze up at the moon as you visualize what your life will look like once your spell has manifested. Notice any sensations or feelings you experience, particularly where you’ve placed the card and coin.
You may end the spell whenever feels natural. You can put your tarot card back in the deck and keep the coin in your pocket as a “money magnet” of sorts.
Reveal What Is Hidden Cherry Spell
The full moon is a perfect time for practicing divination because the light of the full moon is known to reveal information that has been hidden from you. Some witches believe cherries and cherry juice hold divination power. I like to pair cherry magic with a full moon because both are round and both are “hiding” something—the moon hides its “dark side” and a cherry hides its pit. Combining the two is a great way to reveal what is hidden, expose negative energy, and clear the slate for new positive changes to be made.
What You’ll Need:
- A bowl of cherries with the pits
Sit outside or by a window with your bowl of cherries. Speak this incantation with the intention to receive secret information using the energy of the full moon.
“If there is something I can’t see,
Moon, send your wisdom down to me.
Inside the fruit, there hides a pit,
The darkest truths will now be lit.”
Eat your cherries and keep your mind open to any thoughts or feelings that come to you as you do this. Drop each pit back into the bowl. When you’ve eaten all the cherries, hold the bowl of cherry pits in your right hand and use your index finger in your left hand to give the cherry pits a stir.
Pour the cherry pits out of the bowl and discard them. Gaze into the bowl and read the remaining cherry juice as you would tea leaves in a teacup. Look for shapes, images, or symbols and journal about any thoughts or messages you receive.
When you’re finished, thank the moon for sharing its wisdom.
Losing Lottery Ticket Banishing Spell
My mom and I have a tradition where we buy a couple scratch-off lottery tickets when we go on vacation together. We love to fantasize about all the luxurious things we’ll buy when we will the jackpot. We’ve never won more than a hundred dollars at once in all the years we’ve been doing this, but it’s not a total loss. More recently, I’ve discovered how to get some energetic value out of a losing lottery ticket through my witchcraft.
If you feel you’ve had a run of bad luck, either by chance or because of a curse, this simple full moon spell is designed to restore your good fortune.
What You’ll Need:
- A losing lottery ticket
- Smoky quartz crystal
- A fireproof container
- Lighter or matches
Go outside under the moon and set your lottery ticket on the ground. Take a few deep breaths and hold the smoky quartz crystal in both hands. This crystal is known to banish any unwanted energy, which makes it perfect for this spell.
State your intention (aloud or in your head). “My good fortune is renewed in the cleansing light of the full moon.”
Step both of your feet on the lottery ticket and allow the energy of the full moon to shine down on you. Visualize the cleansing light of the full moon moving through you, chasing any curses or bad luck out of your energy field.
Visualize the energy being absorbed into the lottery ticket like a powerful vacuum. When you feel like the spell has run its course, step off the lottery ticket and either throw it out in a public trash can or burn it in a fireproof container. Keep the smoky quartz crystal with you as you do this to ensure the unwanted energy stays in the lottery ticket and doesn’t find it’s way back to you.
Spotlight Moon Spell
This is a spell to do if you feel like you’re being taken for granted (or you’d just like more attention) in your personal or professional life.
What You’ll Need:
- A mirror
- A wet erase marker (or any marker you’ll be able to wipe off your mirror afterward)
- Tape or sticky tac
- A picture of yourself
- A handful of flower petals (fresh or dried)
Position a mirror so it is reflecting the full moon. Adhere your picture to the center of the mirror. Write your intention on the mirror with the marker. Write the sentence so that the words are going in a circle around your picture. For example: “I write a blog post that goes viral and I receive lots of positive feedback.” or “My partner thanks me for all the work I do around the house.”
Sit near the mirror and close your eyes. Visualize your intention manifesting, focusing on the positive emotions that come up. Think of the bright light of the full moon as a spotlight shining right on you. That’s the moon acknowledging how special and valued you are.
When you feel full of pleasant emotions, gather the flower petals in your hands and throw them up in the air. Let them rain down on you and the mirror, like confetti. You are celebrating yourself, and soon others will celebrate you, too! Leave the mirror out overnight so the moon can continue to shine on your picture.
Full Moon Magic
The full moon brings lots of creative energy along with it, so use it to its fullest potential of that by creating your own versions of these spells. For example, the cherry divination spell or the spotlight spell could be made into love spells if you ask the full moon to deliver messages about your future lover.
If you get good results performing these spells on yourself, you can try performing them with others in mind (if you’re comfortable doing that). For example, the spotlight spell can be used to bring nationwide attention to a special cause or send appreciation to a loved one such as your mom on mother’s day. Personalize these spells to better fit your needs. Happy full moon, witches!
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Updated on November 25, 2024 by Avery Hart