It is all too easy to pick up negative energy as we go about our day-to-day lives. A lot of people will recommend uncrossing spells when you’ve been cursed or hexed, but these spells are useful for many other instances of negativity and blockage in our life. This is one of the key types of spells that I think every single witch needs to know how to cast and use on a regular basis.

Whether you’re having a run of bad luck, feeling just generally blah and gray about life, or if you’re noticing specific symptoms of baneful magic in your life, uncrossing can help to sweep away any negative energy that is attached to you and clear space for much more positivity, prosperity, and opportunity to come in. So if you’re ready to learn more about uncrossing spells and how to use them in your craft, keep reading.
What Is Uncrossing?
Uncrossing is kind of like an energetic deep clean. If we think of our regular cleansing as similar to the kinds of general home cleaning you might do on a week-to-week basis, such as doing the dishes, sweeping the floor, and making your bed, then uncrossing is more like spring cleaning. This is when you clear out all the cobwebs, give everything a solid washing, pull things out of the closet, and sort through what you don’t need anymore. And when you’re done, your life feels so much more organized and put together.
Uncrossing spells help to remove any negativity, blockages, or baneful magic that’s been set against you. Essentially, anything that might be holding you back in your life, the uncrossing spell will remove it. And one of the best things about uncrossing spells is you don’t necessarily have to know the source of your troubles. An uncrossing spell will give you a full deep clean in all areas, no matter what is causing your life to feel funky and off. It’s a fabulous way to just hit the reset button, clear the cobwebs in your life, and get that fresh start and fresh energy moving in your life again.
When You Should Use An Uncrossing Spell?
Now, an uncrossing spell is more heavy-hitting magic and the kind of clean-out it’s doing in your life can be intense, so we don’t necessarily need to be doing it on a daily or weekly basis as a blanket recommendation. How often you use uncrossing spells really depends on what’s happening in your life and the kind of life that you lead. If you’re someone who is a public figure, interacting with a lot of people, very involved in witchcraft and magic communities, or if you’re getting ready to embark on a big life change, then more regular uncrossing spells might be advisable. But for the average person who is more solitary in their craft or works from home, you can do uncrossing spells on an as-needed basis.
Here are a couple of guidelines for when and why you might want to think about doing an uncrossing spell.
First, if something in your life just doesn’t feel right, if you think you may have been cursed, if you’ve had a bad streak of luck, if you’re feeling down, kind of sluggish, kind of moody, if the world seems kind of gray, if you’re feeling more numb than usual, or if your life is just feeling heavy and weighed down by negativity, doing an uncrossing spell can be an excellent way to short-circuit your funk. These are your as-needed uncrossing spells. When something feels off, and it stays feeling off for days or even weeks, try an uncrossing spell. A lot of the time, it can fix the problem for you.
If you’re someone who leads a very public life, where you’re in contact with a lot of people, a lot of people are seeing you online, or you travel a lot, more regular uncrossing spells can be a good idea. These are a just-in-case measure. You never really know what kinds of energies you’re picking up as you move through your life when things are this busy and public. I would suggest that people in this category do an uncrossing spell either once a quarter or once a month, depending on how you feel and how proactive you want to be.
If you’re very active in occult, magic, and witchcraft circles, and you’re in contact with other magicians and witches on a regular basis, then please do an uncrossing spell quarterly or monthly. It’s unfortunate, but when coming into contact with a lot of other magic users, you are at an increased risk of someone deciding to hex you. Rather than waiting for the symptoms to crop up and wreck your life, you can simply do an uncrossing spell as a part of your regular magical life maintenance to ensure that you’re not carrying around Malochia or suffering under a curse. And this goes double if you’ve been involved in any kind of drama with a magic user recently!
It’s also a great idea to do an uncrossing spell any time you’re going through a big life change. If you are moving, if you’ve been through a breakup, or if you are getting ready to do something big in your career, do an uncrossing spell. Setting the stage for your big life change by making sure you clear out any lingering negativity, ill wishes, bad luck, or any baneful magic that someone may have set against you paves the way so that you can step into this new phase of your life with confidence and with absolutely nothing holding you back on an energetic level.
This is especially important for people who are getting ready to start a new job, a new business, or if you’re starting a new magical campaign to bring more money into your life. Clear out the old with an uncrossing spell before you begin. And if you’re trying to create a really fast transformation in your life, do an uncrossing spell on a regular basis (weekly even) just to keep your life and your circumstances clear of anything that could slow you down and create drag as you move forward toward this transformation or new life that you’re creating.
Now, let’s talk uncrossing spells! Here are two of my favorite uncrossing spells for you to use.
The Lemon Uncrossing Spell
You Will Need:
- A black candle
- Lots of salt
- A lemon
- A plate and knife
- Something to carve your candle with
- Uncrossing oil (optional)
Take your plate and knife and cut your lemon into quarters. Arrange the quarters in an X shape on the plate. Take your candle and carve your name into it along with the words “Bind and dispel all that would act against me.” Anoint the candle with uncrossing oil if you have it. Pour salt all over the lemon, you need a LOT of salt here, use at least a cup, and be sure to let it mound up a bit in the center of the lemons. Set your candle in the center (the salt should hold it in place) and light it.
Chant three times: “All that would act against me here, I bind you within this lemon. Uncrossed, uncrossed this salt for me, bind and dispel negativity. As lemon dries in salt and air, I’m free from all harm and despair.“
Continue chanting “Uncrossed, uncrossed, and now I’m free from all that would act against me” and allow the candle to burn for 5-10 minutes. Blow the candle out.
Return to relight the candle and chant daily for 5-10 minutes until the candle completely burns out. When the candle is burnt out and the lemon is dry, throw the remnants away outside your home. If the lemon begins to mold instead of drying out, this is a sign that the spell wasn’t fully effective. Throw it away and cast the spell again immediately. You can pair it with an uncrossing bath for greater effect.
Uncrossing Bath
You Will Need:
- Hyssop
- Rue
- Agrimony
- Salt
- Two white candles
Boil 1-3 liters of water and steep your herbs for 10 minutes. Strain out the herbs, retain the water, and let it cool to a comfortable temperature. As you draw your bath, focus your intent on clearing all negativity, ill wishes, and hexes from your life. Add the herbal water and salt to the bath water. Set your candles at each end of the bath so they form a “gate” that you will step through to enter and exit the bath. Light the candles and step through and into the bath.
Bathe and focus on feeling all negativity and blocks seep out of you and into the bath. Pour the water over your head 3 times or immerse yourself completely in the water. Spend as long as you like in the bath. When you’re finished, step out between the candles. They will ensure that none of the negativity you just removed can follow you out. Drain the bath and feel all of the negativity draining out and away from your life and then blow out the candles.
An uncrossing spell is an absolute must in any witch’s repertoire. These spells are versatile, simple, and incredibly effective for overcoming a wide variety of crossed conditions from bad luck to stagnant energy to Malochia and hexes. If you’re not using uncrossing spells in your craft yet, it’s time to start!
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