Have you ever felt like you’re not doing enough magic? Or maybe you would like to do more magic, but you just don’t know what to do or whether doing more magic is actually a good idea. I’ve even had witches tell me that they don’t need to practice magic more because they’re already talented. But the reality is that even if you have natural talents, your magic could benefit massively from doing spell work every single day.

There are so many benefits to be had from daily spellcasting. And if you’re on the fence, here are five reasons why you need to start incorporating spell work into every single day.
1. Practice Makes Perfect
We all know that to become a great painter, or a great basketball player, or to learn high-level mathematics, you have to practice. But for some reason, we don’t apply that same approach to magic.
And this is a mistake.
Too many people treat magic like it’s not really real. They treat magic like it’s somehow outside of the scope of real life and the rules that apply to everything else that exists within real life. But as witches, we know that magic is real. Thus, magic and witchcraft follow the same rules that govern the rest of reality. This means that in the same way that it takes work to get good at any other skill, it takes work to get good at magic.
There are certainly people who are born with natural talent. I’m not saying that those people don’t exist. But even the most naturally talented painter in the world still has to practice to hone their craft and become truly great at what they do. Natural talent will only take you so far. And natural talent likely only gives you an edge in one or two areas of your craft. For example, you might be naturally claircognizant and pick up psychic information very easily but your spell work might need some help. Likewise, you might connect very easily with spirits but have a hard time moving energy. You have to practice to identify your weak points and get better at those things. Daily spellwork is how you do that.
In the same way that writers get better at writing by writing every single day, witches get better at magic when we use magic every single day. Do you think LeBron James would be one of the most successful basketball players on the planet if he hadn’t practiced for about a million hours? No, of course he wouldn’t. Is he still one of the most naturally talented and genetically gifted players out there? Undeniably! But he was smart enough to know that in order to take his craft as far as he could, he had to show up and do the actual work every single day in order to hone his skills and become truly great.
If you want truly powerful magic, not parlor trick magic, not emergency magic, not magic that works sometimes but is spotty at best, then you need to practice to become a truly great spellcaster.
2. Daily Spellwork Yields Compound Interest
By practicing small magic repeatedly, your magic compounds on itself. This is exactly like working out. We do not go to the gym once and then expect to get the results. We show up to the gym week in, week out, and work in small increments over time to make huge gains in our lives and health.
Again, magic is real and follows the rules of reality. This means that if you want your life to change in any substantial way, you need to show up and do the work on a regular basis to effect that change. It also means that you can get the effect of compound results without having to work yourself to the bone to get it. If you work out only once a week and you absolutely kill yourself in the gym, you still will not get the results you would get if you showed up to the gym 5-6 days a week and did a much more moderate and approachable workout. Our bodies adapt given consistent stimuli over time. Our minds adapt to consistent stimuli over time. And the energetics of the world we live in are set up to respond to consistent stimuli over time.
When you show up every single day to do a spell you can do a much simpler form of spell work, involving much less time, much less expense, and much less effort on your part, and get 10 times the result you would get if you simply cast the spell one time and walked away. Ask yourself, do you want a one-off result, or do you want consistent, stable, every day, all-day results?
Asked another way, if you do a money spell, do you want a one-off influx of a couple of thousand dollars, or do you want your income to increase by a thousand dollars every single month moving forward forever? Beyond that, if you’re consistently doing this magic, maybe your income goes up a thousand dollars a month over the next six months, and then it goes up another thousand dollars the next six months, and so on. These things compound. You gain significantly more by putting in small amounts of effort every single day over time.
3. Sometimes Your Spell Just Hasn’t Worked… Yet
Spell failure is one of the biggest problems that I deal with when I’m working with clients and students. Everyone wants to know why their spell didn’t work, why they didn’t get the result they were hoping for, why they only got half the result they were hoping for, or why something completely unexpected happened as a result of their spell. In a lot of cases, the spell DID work, but it just wasn’t enough to push you all the way to the end result.
Maybe your first spell got you 70% of the way there before it simply couldn’t do any more with what you gave it the first time through. When you cast the spell a second time and a third time, it supplies that additional boost of energy and momentum to push it over the finish line and get you the result.
Now, I don’t recommend that you recast spells that were intended to be one-offs when you haven’t given the initial spell long enough to work. Too many people re-cast a spell because they’re afraid that the spell didn’t work. If you cast a spell and it was designed to be a singular spell, not a daily spell, you have to give it time. Give it more time than maybe you want to give it. And then cast another spell. This avoids the pitfall of negating your own magic with worry and anxiety.
But beyond that, if you plan the spell from the beginning to be cast daily or weekly, and you maintain that schedule over time, then your recasting is not something that you’re doing out of worry and anxiety. It’s something that you’ve planned to do. It’s a strategy, not a reaction.
This is how you do magic to get the really big results. This is how you get the soulmate relationship. This is how you get significantly more abundance and money. This is how you change your life. Big change happens when we are willing to do the work repeatedly, even when it looks like it didn’t work the very first time.
If your magic hasn’t worked, and you can look at it with a calm, rational viewpoint, doing the spell again can both prevent the spell failure from happening at all and speed up the results you’re getting. If you want faster and easier magic, this is how you do it.
4. Stop Doing “Oh Shit” Magic
Too many witches are stuck doing what I call “oh shit” magic. All of their spell work, all of the time they spend doing magic is focused on fixing problems. It’s all spells to make rent at the end of the month because you’re short. It’s fidelity spells preventing your lover from leaving you. It’s focused on solving the problems in your life NOT building a life that you really love.
While emergency magic is very useful and I would never tell you to not use it, it should not be the majority of your magic. If all you are ever doing is emergency magic then you will only ever be in and out of emergencies. It is a much better idea to do magic to create a life of enough abundance and prosperity that you never have to do the emergency money magic. It is a much better idea to do the magic to create a strong, loving, stable relationship than it is to constantly be on a roller coaster of getting together and breaking up.
When you start focusing your practice on daily magic you’re able to pull yourself out of the emergency magic zone and get into real building where you can actually make positive changes to your life as opposed to just bailing water. Use your magic to build a boat that doesn’t have holes in it and you won’t have to bail water anymore.
You can even do this to become better at magic! This is called magical bootstrapping. You do magic to make you better at magic. You create a magical structure within which every spell that you cast, whether daily or not, is more effective because it has months and years of your magical effort supporting it and helping it to gain momentum and create the change you want in your life.
Daily spell work is building spell work. If you want to create real tangible changes in your life with magic you have to be doing building spell work, not “oh shit” spell work.
5. Learn Your Strengths & Weaknesses
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses in magic. One of the biggest things that people struggle with when they are first learning magic, and sometimes deep into their witchcraft journey, is not realizing the things that they are doing that are working against their magical efficacy.
For example, I cannot use basil in my magic. For whatever reason, basil and I do not vibe. If I use basil in a spell, that spell will fail. But I didn’t realize that for many years in my practice. I had spotty results with my money magic because I was so frequently using basil in my money spells. And the consequence of that was that I thought I was just bad at money magic! When I started doing magic more intentionally, more frequently, and I started really keeping track of my results and what worked and what didn’t, I was able to see the trend of every spell where I use basil fails.
Now this process took me about five years. And that’s because at that time I was not doing magic frequently enough. If I had been doing magic every single day, I would have found out very quickly that basil and I don’t work well together. Not because doing magic daily is somehow any different from doing magic a couple of times a month functionally, but because I simply had more examples and more data to draw on when looking at trends over time.
When you do magic every single day, you gain a feel for your strengths and weaknesses in witchcraft so much faster, simply because you are trying more things. You’re experimenting, using different herbs, using different spellcasting methods, and you will figure out in short order what works for you and what doesn’t. This allows you to double down on what does work, which makes your magic more effective every time you sit down to cast, and it allows you to work around or with your weaknesses.
Now in some cases, you will do what I did, I just stop using basil. You will avoid the weak point because for some reason that thing doesn’t work for you. In other cases, you’ll be able to identify a weakness and work to improve in that area. It depends on what your strengths and weaknesses are, but you can’t find those strengths and weaknesses quickly if you are not doing magic often enough to see the clear trends in what makes your magic work and what stops your magic from working.
Not every spell needs to be performed daily. There is absolutely a place in your life and in your craft for bigger one-off spells and spells that are done more infrequently. But if that is the only type of magic that you are doing, you are selling yourself and your craft short. The benefits of doing daily magic are huge. Your life and your magic will improve greatly by simply doing small daily magic on a regular basis. You don’t have to spend an hour every day doing spells. Even 10 to 15 minutes of spell work on a daily basis can create massive transformations in your life and improve your abilities and your efficacy as a witch. It’s time for you to start doing daily magic.
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