Freezer spells are a very old form of conjure work from the American South. These spells can be thought of as a kind of binding, but they can often have a hex-like quality to them as well, depending on how the spell is cast. The intention of this spell is to “freeze someone out” or to “put them on ice”. Essentially it is to prevent them from speaking against you, taking action, or to bind them from your life as a whole.

Today we’re going to be talking about the ins and outs of freezer spells, how to cast one, and how to adjust it to suit your situation.
The Intricacies Of A Freezer Spell
As always, before we go casting a spell, we want to understand the ins and outs of why we might use it, why it works the way it does, and in what situations this spell will not work well. The first thing to pay attention to is the function of the spell, how it actually works, and the symbolism that we are using.
When you use a freezer spell, you are working with some kind of wet material, traditionally, this is often a wet paper packet, a frozen cow’s tongue, a lemon or cucumber, or something of that nature, and then you are dressing it and freezing it. What this means, is that as long as the spell is frozen, the spell remains active.
So this gives us our first clue as to what this spell is doing and how it is meant to function. This is not designed to be a spell that you cast and then throw away. If you want the spell to work, it has to stay in the freezer. This makes freezer spells easily reversible. When you’re ready for the spell to be over, you simply unfreeze the spell and dispose of it appropriately.
This also means that if you want the spell to continue working, you have to keep it in your freezer. If you have very little freezer space, this can be a problem. It can also be hard to explain why you have a frozen cow tongue in your freezer. If you are not out about your witchcraft and you live with roommates or housemates who might have questions about this thing that you have in your freezer, or who might even throw it away without consulting you, you want to choose a different type of spell.
The next thing you have to know with this kind of spell is that in order for the spell to be effective, everything in the spell has to be able to freeze. This means you cannot add oils or any alcohol to the mixture, and whatever you use must be wet. You cannot put a dry packet in the freezer and expect that to have the same effect as putting a wet packet in the freezer and letting that freeze solid.
Additionally, the function and symbolism of the ingredients and methods that you use in your freezer spell will change the result that you get significantly. For example, a wet packet made out of a brown paper bag is a fairly neutral container, while something like a frozen cow’s tongue will specifically freeze someone’s tongue, i.e. it will stop them from gossiping, from spreading rumors about you, from speaking out against you. Something like a lemon would be used to sour the other person’s life, this would be more of a hex than a binding. You need to know exactly what you want to accomplish and design your spell accordingly.
Now, there are some common misconceptions about these kinds of spells, the biggest being that you can use them to keep a partner faithful to you. You absolutely would not want to use this kind of spell in any situation where you want to keep this person in your life or keep your relationship with this person going well. For example, you do not want to use a freezer spell on your boyfriend to stop him from cheating on you. If you do that, you will “freeze out” your boyfriend, essentially nullifying your relationship and removing him from your life. If you go the route of specifically freezing his sexuality with something like a pickle to keep him from cheating, you would also freeze his ability to be sexual with you. Essentially, this is not a particularly friendly spell. So you need to think carefully about the actual outcome that you want and if this is a person you plan to keep in your life like a friend, lover, or family member, find another spell to accomplish your goals.
A freezer spell works well in any situation where you want to bind someone temporarily. It can theoretically be permanent, but remember, you’ll have to keep it in your freezer forever in that case. This works fine if you have ample space, those with deep freezers can likely get away with this being a permanent solution. Freezer spells can also be used for temporary hexing or cursing that you can easily reverse should the need arise.
If this is a temporary situation, such as an altercation where a co-worker is trying to sabotage you by spreading rumors about you, then a freezer spell is perfect. If, however, you need a long-term solution or even permanent results, you may want to find another spell because, in order for this spell to work, it must stay frozen, meaning it has to stay in your freezer indefinitely. Some people are fine with this, but many people are not. So, think carefully about the kinds of results you want from your spell, and make sure that you are choosing the spell that you cast appropriately.
How To Cast A Freezer Spell
Now, let’s move on to how to actually cast your freezer spell. Rather than giving you one set of instructions to follow, I’m going to essentially give you a menu of options to choose from and a method to follow so that you can tailor this spell to your specific needs.
First, you will need to choose your container. A lot of modern resources will tell you to use something like a glass jar for this spell. But a glass jar is not great for freezing because the glass can crack and shatter as your liquid freezes. You can use freezer jars but I still find these less than ideal. Jars are also a fairly neutral container, and they don’t add anything to the spell itself, a glass jar is just a glass jar. It doesn’t symbolize anything, and it won’t add anything to your spell.
If you want a fairly benign or neutral starting point, then I would actually recommend not using a glass jar and using a paper packet instead. This can be a brown paper bag that you have drenched, or you can use paper-towel packets that you will wet and fold up with the rest of your spell components inside. Again, the paper packet is pretty neutral and benign, and it won’t add a whole lot to your spell. It’s simply a neutral starting point for anything else that you add.
That said, you can add significantly more to your spell by choosing a container that has more symbolism. The best containers include things like a cow’s tongue to stop someone’s speech, prevent them from gossiping or spreading rumors about you, a lemon to sour their life, a pickle or cucumber to affect a man’s sexuality, or a fig to affect a woman’s sexuality.
Next, you will need to procure some kind of taglock or a link to the intended target. Ideally, this would be something like a strand of hair, fingernail clippings, bodily fluids, or something of that nature. If it is completely impossible for you to get any of those things, then you can make do with a photograph of the target with the full name of the person and preferably their address written on the back. If a photograph isn’t available, a small piece of paper with their full name, home address, birthday, and any other information you can dig up about them will do. The more solid you can make the link to this target, the better. You can also add a petition paper detailing the intent of the spell and what you would like it to do.
Next, you will need to choose the materia that you’re going to add to the spell. These are your roots, herbs, crystals, and other items that you include in the spell to adjust the kind of results you’re going to get and to support your overall intention.
Here are some traditional options for you to choose from:
- Red pepper to heat up the spell, make lies burn, and cause discomfort or anger
- Poppy seeds to cause confusion and mistakes
- Ash to cause their life to fall to ruin
- Black pepper to cause fighting and irritation
- Alum to silence them and freeze a person’s words
If you are using something like a cow’s tongue or a lemon, you will also need a way to secure it shut. This may mean sewing it shut or securing it closed with sewing pins. Keep in mind that adding sewing pins to the spell will make this spell sharper and more aggressive.
Next, you can add liquids, this is necessary if you’re working with a dry container like a paper packet but you can add them to other containers like lemons or tongues by soaking them in a mixture of liquids before freezing.
Again, you only want to use water-based liquids for this. No oils or alcohol.
Here are a few liquids you might consider:
- War water for cursing
- Alum water, again to silence the target
- Vinegar to sour their lives and sour other people against them
- Plain water for binding without additional effects
You may also want something to wrap the finished spell in like aluminum foil or brown paper to keep it contained and away from prying eyes.
Now, it’s time to combine everything together and actually cast the spell. This is really a very easy spell to cast. You’re going to take whatever container you have chosen and put all of your personal concerns, taglocks, herbs, etc. into the container. If you’re using something like a lemon or a cow’s tongue, you’ll need to cut it open and stuff everything in there and then pin it or sew it shut again. If you are using a paper container, you can simply put everything inside of it and fold it shut. For the best results you will, of course, need to awaken and petition each of these items so that the spirits of these items can assist you in your spellwork. After that, you can soak your spell in whatever liquids you have chosen, wrap it up in paper or tin foil, and freeze it.
If you want to add some candle magic, you can burn a candle over the spell before freezing, allowing the wax to fall onto your container while praying, meditating, or petitioning the spirits for your desired outcome.
You will then leave this frozen for as long as you need the spell to be active. Do not take it out of the freezer. Do not thaw it out. Do not throw it away until you are completely done with the spell and ready to break the spell and get rid of it.
When you are completely finished with the spell and ready to dispose of it, please make sure that you remove any pins or any sharp objects that may have been placed into the spell. And then you can simply throw it in a dumpster. Some people like to leave things like the cow’s tongue out for animals to eat, but that really depends on you and your location and your relationship with the local wildlife. Again, remove all pins and sharp objects whether it’s going out for the animals or straight into a dumpster! Then simply dispose of it safely and respectfully, and the spell will break as the item thaws.
Freezer spells can be used in a wide variety of situations, from dealing with gossip and people spreading lies, to hexing your enemies, to court cases and legal magic, freezing out competition, and much, much more. These spells can range widely in application and how aggressive they are. They are an incredibly useful tool to have in your magical toolkit. And hopefully, now you will have a better understanding of how to make use of a freezer spell in your own craft should the need arise.
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Updated on February 4, 2025 by Avery Hart