This is Part 2 of our Cursing 101 series, if you missed the first installment in the series you can read it here! >> Cursing 101: Part 1
Who here thinks curse breaking is nearly impossible and super advanced magic? I’m guessing most modern witches feel like curse breaking is a bit out of their league. Some of you are, I’m sure, ready to dive in. But for those who think, “Oh no, we’re getting into advanced magic. I should quit reading.” Just hang in there.
Breaking curses is not impossible. To be honest, it’s usually not even that hard!

Say what?!
I know what I just said goes against every commonly held belief and pop culture assumption ever.
It’s true, though, curses are just like any other magic! Sure, curses are spooky on TV when they are terrifying and unbreakable. But, in the real world, curses are just spells. Sure, they’re spells meant to hurt. But, they’re still spells and can be deflected, taken apart, or disarmed like any other spell.
I hope none of you ever have to use this information. But, it’s better to have it and never use it than to need it and not have it. Today we’re talking breaking curses 101!
How To Break A Curse
Step 1: Evaluate
The first step in curse breaking should be to fully evaluate your situation. Ask yourself the following questions.
- Do you know for certain that you’ve been cursed?
- If not, what makes you suspect that you’ve been cursed?
- If yes, do you know who cursed you? The more information you can gather about who cursed you, how they did it and why, the better off you’ll be.
- What kinds of effects is the curse having? Is it affecting only you, or are others also experiencing the effects?
These questions can help you determine the best plan when trying to break a curse. The more you know about the curse itself, the more you can tailor your solution to it. It’s also important at the point to make sure that you’ve really been cursed. Could it just be bad luck or poor decision making? Is there someone who would actually want to curse you? The following steps won’t help if your problem isn’t caused by a curse. So, always make sure you’re fixing the real cause!
Step 2: Spell Reflecting
When trying to break any curse, I always try spell reflecting first. Reflecting spells is a method of sending the magic back to the caster, leaving your life curse free. This can be a very effective method BUT it doesn’t work on every curse. If you’re dealing with an experienced spell caster, they may have included safeguards. These prevent the magic from rebounding on them. It’s smart to evaluate in the days after using your spell reflection. You should check if it worked or if you need to move on.
If your spell reflection does work, then skip down to Step 5.
Step 3: Try A Simple Curse Breaking Spell
There are many ways to break curses and some of them are fairly quick rituals. Try one or two of these to see if the curse will lift easily.
- Let a source of living water carry it away. Take yourself to a natural source of water like a river, lake or ocean and get in.
- Burn a bay leaf at dawn and again at sunset. Allow the smoke to waft over you and when the leaves have finished smoldering scatter them in the wind.
- Use selenite to cleanse your energy field and break the hold that the curse has on you
- Take a bath with epsom salt. Add hex-breaking herbs like bay leaves, fennel, jasmine, and nettles.
- Clean your house with water infused with hex breaking herbs. Mop the floors and clean the walls. Wash the doors and windows. When you’re done, throw the mop water out the back door.
Step 4: Brute Force
If the curse won’t be reflected and it’s resisting simpler curse breaking, it’s time to just break it with force. This spell is simply an example of one that can be used. There are many out there and you can and should pick and tailor a spell to most closely fit what you know about the curse.
You Will Need:
- Air Drying Clay
- Water charged with the sun’s energies (preferably at noon)
- A slip of paper and a pen (red ink is preferable)
- Bay leaf
- Black candle
- Fire safe container
- A tool for writing in clay
- Hammer
This spell must be performed at night and will be most effective if performed during the new or waning moon.
Cleanse yourself and your workspace thoroughly and anoint yourself with solar water. Light the candle. Write down on your slip of paper all the effects that the curse has had on you. Be thorough and specific. When you have everything written down, fold the bay leaf into the paper. Set it on fire and let it burn to ashes in the fire-safe container.
When the ashes are finished smoldering, set them aside. Take a bit of clay. It should be small enough to make an easy-to-carry talisman but not so small that you cannot inscribe it. Anoint it with a drop of solar water. Mix the ashes into the clay thoroughly. Roll the clay into a ball and flatten it into a disc. Be sure not to make it too thin. On one side, inscribe the words:
“No more befouled, again unbound, again unbidden”
On the other side, inscribe a symbol to represent the curse. This can be a sigil but it can also just be a simple doodle. Close your ritual space. Blow out the candle. Let the talisman dry as directed.
When the talisman is completely dry, take it outside early one morning and allow it to sit in the sun until noon. The talisman is now finished. Carry it with you everywhere. It will absorb the energy from the curse, stopping it from affecting you. On the next new moon, take the talisman and smash it, rendering the curse that it has absorbed useless and broken. Dispose of the shards outside of your home.
Step 5: After You’ve Broken The Curse
Your work isn’t quite over yet.
Once the curse has been broken, you’ll need to do magical housekeeping. You must remove any lingering energy or effects. The first step is to cleanse yourself, your home, and others affected by the curse. Set up wards and protective enchantments around yourself. They will block future curses from you and your home. You should update these measures often. Do this as long as you are in a situation that may incite another curse.
All of these protective magics are a part of the craft known as Magical Defense. These skills are key for new witches. They also help witches looking to advance and those just seeking peace. The craft doesn’t have to be dangerous, stressful, or traumatic! My Defensive Magic class gives you a quick look. It covers the most vital tools and techniques for defense. It will help you start protecting yourself. If you’re ready to stop feeling overwhelmed or scared of messing up and ending up in a sticky situation, this is for you. In this class, I’ll cover the key parts of defending yourself with magic. This will give you more room and ease in your craft. Click here to start learning how to defend yourself magically today.
What Happens If You Can’t Break The Curse?
Every now and then, despite many attempts to solve a curse, someone will come to me. They say that they simply CAN’T break it. Usually, they’re pretty freaked out at this point and at the end of their rope. If this sounds like you, it’s ok, take a deep breath and calm down. In all likelihood, if you can’t break the curse, it’s due to one of two reasons.
1. You were never cursed in the first place.
I see this all the time. People don’t assess the situation well. They think they’ve been cursed when, in truth, it’s just life nipping at them a bit harder than usual. Sometimes life deals you a bad hand. It sucks when things go south, but that’s the way it goes. Pull yourself together and try to find the root source of your problems. Have you made some bad decisions? Are you neglecting responsibilities? Figure out what’s actually going on and FIX IT!
2. You’ve cursed yourself
This is less likely, but not entirely unheard of. Often when bad things start, people will jump to conclusions and assume they’ve been cursed. Then, they spend so much time worrying. They end up freaking out about it. This makes them curse themselves with gross nervous energy. The solution to this one is to just cut it out! Relax. Take a chill pill. As soon as you can stop giving the curse all of your attention and energy, it will disappear!
You’ve confirmed you’ve been cursed and tried all my methods. But, you still can’t get rid of the curse. It’s time to consult with an expert.
Have you ever broken a curse before? What methods did you use? Tell me about it in the comments!
Read the rest of the Cursing 101 series!
Part 1: How To Know If A Curse Is Right For You
Part 2: The Best Way To Break A Curse For Absolute Beginners << You Are Here
Part 3: How To Identify, Use, & Avoid The Most Common Magic Curses
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Updated on June 30, 2024 by Avery Hart