How To Make Black Salt For Use In Protection Spells

Witch’s black salt is a powerful and highly versatile tool for magical workings that is used in many spells for protection, hexing, and binding. It’s such a powerful tool all on its own that it can be used as a complete spell without the addition of any other rituals or magical tools. There’s nothing better to have on hand when you need quick protection or binding magic. In this post, I will teach you when to use black salt, how to make black salt for yourself, and how to use it in a variety of ways in your own craft.

The Energy Of Black Salt

Now, to make effective use of black ritual salt in your magic, you need to understand the energies that you’re working with. The first thing to take note of is that black salt, though it is used in protection, is an aggressive form of protection. This is obvious by the fact that it can be used for both defense and offense. You can use black salt to protect yourself, but you can also use black salt to attack someone with a hex.

This means that when you use it for protection magic, you are using a relatively aggressive energy in order to protect yourself. This is not always a bad thing. It simply helps to inform your decision making in your practice. You do not want to be using an aggressive form of protection against a person that you love or care for.

For example, I would not suggest using black salt in a protection spell when you are trying to protect yourself from the emotional turmoil of a loved one. It is still an excellent idea to protect yourself from taking on that negative energy, but using black salt would potentially worsen their negative emotions because of the aggressive nature of the energies that you are employing.

By contrast, using black salt to protect against a psychic attack from a witch or slander from a co-worker would work very well. You are essentially protecting yourself in a way that is setting a much firmer boundary and creating consequences for the person who would act against you.

The second thing to pay attention to is that when you are using black salt, you are calling on a very fiery energy. You’re going to be using ash, charcoal, and black pepper, all of which are associated with the element of fire. This gets an additional boost from the Mars energy of black pepper. This gives a very different type of energy than, say, using the earth element to protect yourself. When you protect yourself with earth, it’s like building a solid wall around yourself. But when you protect yourself with fire, you are making attacking you a very dangerous thing to do.

Again, we have these Mars energies in addition to fire energy. Mars is all about war, battle, and victory. So when we combine these energies into a magical powder, we are creating something that is quite volatile. Rather than simply creating a protective barrier that another person would struggle to break through, you are creating a barrier that they may be able to get through, but that would harm them in the attempt.

You can think of protection spells done with black salt as a kind of conditional hex. It does not harm anyone until they attempt to harm you, at which point there will be repercussions. It’s very easy to see how these energies would lend themselves to cursing and hexing. This is essentially just using these same energies in a direct offensive attack rather than using them for defense.

Likewise, using black salt in a binding spell will not necessarily prevent the target from taking the action that you are binding them from, but it will create serious consequences for them taking that action. Again, I would not suggest binding a person you love in this way. This is not the kind of spell you want to use if you are, say, binding a loved one from an addiction. It is likely to be far more destructive than what you would truly want in that situation. This is much more useful in situations where you are binding people who are actively trying to harm you, such as binding an abusive ex-lover from contacting you, binding a co-worker from trying to sabotage your career, or binding someone that you are in a legal dispute with.

So now that you understand the kinds of energies that you’re working with, let’s take a look at how to actually make your own black salt for use in your magical practice.

How To Make Black Salt 

You Will Need:

  • Salt
  • Ash (from incense, a fireplace, or a fire pit)
  • Charcoal powder
  • Ground black pepper

First, you can use whatever kind of salt you like for this. Some witches use sea salt, some use kosher salt, and some just use regular old iodized table salt. It all works for ritual use.

Start by awakening your black pepper, salt, and the spirit of fire contained in your charcoal and ashes. Petition them for general protection, and the carrying out of your will. You will make more specific petitions when you use your black salt. Mix all of your ingredients together and blend well. Keep your black salt in a jar and be careful when you use it, the charcoal tends to leave black marks on everything. Definitely do NOT use this while wearing your favorite white shirt.

How To Use Your Black Salt

Now that you understand how to create your black salt, let’s take a look at a few ways that you can begin to use it in your craft today.

1. Sprinkle it over thresholds and windowsills.

You can create a protective ward around your home by sprinkling a thin line of black salt across the thresholds of doors and along the windows of your home. Be careful to place the line outside of your windows and doors and keep the line tight to the crease of the door or window. You want to make it easy to avoid stepping in the black salt but still have it create a magical barrier for your home. This will keep negative energies, unwanted spirits, and potentially even unwanted guests out of your home. If you want to take it a step further, you can sprinkle black salt along the boundaries of your property to ensure all of your land is safe. Make sure that you refresh these lines on a regular basis to keep the magic strong, once a month on a new moon is a good schedule.

2. Use it to line your protective circle 

When you are opening a circle and creating sacred space for a spell where you might want additional protection from dark forces or magical interference, black salt can be sprinkled at the outer edges of your circle. This creates a much more aggressive circle of protection for your magical work than using plain old witches salt, keeping out unwanted energies, negative spirits, and interfering spell work laid by others.

3. Sprinkle it on the ground where you know your target will walk through it.

This is a very common practice in old school conjure. When your target walks through the black salt sprinkled in their path, they will pick up the hex or binding. You can also sprinkle it directly in their shoes if you have access to them. This tends to act more like a hex than as protection so definitely use it with caution.

4. Add it to binding spells 

Black salt makes binding spells more aggressive so if you want your binding spell to have a bit of bite, this is for you. A typical binding spell seeks to prevent someone from taking a particular action. It may affect their thinking, their emotions, or their ability to carry out that action. Binding spells aren’t foolproof though, if a person is determined, they may still try to do whatever you’ve bound them against. When you add black salt, however, you create painful consequences for taking that action. Black salt adds an additional kick of that aggressive fiery energy and creates consequences for the person if they manage to break through to the binding. Essentially, if they manage to break through the binding, there will be a little hex waiting for them to get them back in line.

5. Use it to dress a black candle for a simple hex

Take a black candle, carve the target’s name into it, and dress it in olive oil and black salt. Burn the candle on top of a photo of your target. This hex tends to cause chaos and destruction in the person’s life.

6. Add it to a protective mojo bag

Carrying mojo bags or charm bags for protection is a fairly common practice and a great idea for any magic user who wants to maintain their peace and well-being. If you’re making one for yourself and you think you may need your protection spell to have more aggressive energy, add some black salt. This will give your protection charm teeth and immediately strike back against anyone or anything that dares to threaten you. If you are dealing with a lot of negativity, use larger quantities of salt for your defensive magick.

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1 Comment Leave a Reply

  1. Avery I love your posts. Your methods and advice resonate more with me than anyone else’s that I’ve ever read. You are practical and pragmatic and you always list the cautions and talk about the negative ramifications so that intention can be crystal clear. Thank you so much for sharing!

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