How to Make Binding Chalk & Why You’ll Love It

Binding chalk is a wonderful tool that has a large range of uses. While the name suggests it’s primarily for binding it’s actually just an excellent medium for protective energy work. It’s useful for drawing circles to perform spells in, drawing sigils or protective lines (across doorways, window sills, property lines, etc).

You can also use it for banishing spells, holding spirits by containing them within a circle (I would not suggest this except in the most dire of times. Trapping a spirit is tricky, dangerous, and often ethically questionable) and potentially for marking out ritual diagrams.

Making Binding Chalk

You Will Need:

  • Plaster of Paris
  • Wood ash
  • Cedar dust (basically dried cedar that’s been put through a spice grinder)
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Chalk molds (Depending on the size/shape you want this’ll differ. You can use paper towel rolls, large straws, candy molds, egg cartons, etc.)
  • Tempura paint if you want to color your chalk

Follow the mixing instructions on your plaster of paris, adjusting the water content as you add in your wood ash, cedar and salt to keep the consistency right. I would suggest making this in smaller batches and not adding too much ash, cedar or salt so your chalk doesn’t fall apart or get crumbly. If you’d like you can color it with a bit of paint. 

Once your plaster mix is ready you need to prepare your molds. If you’re using paper towel rolls or straws you’ll need to insert a tube of wax paper to keep the plaster from sticking to the cardboard and you’ll need to seal off one end of the tube with masking tape. I’m pretty picky about my chalk size so I like to take empty toilet tissue rolls and cut them down the length of one side. I can then re-roll them to a custom size and tape it in place. When your mold is ready spoon your chalk batter into a plastic baggie, snip a corner off and pipe it into the mold.

Let it dry overnight, it can take anywhere from 8-24 hours to dry (possibly more if you use a thicker mold). Once it’s fully dry you can remove it from the mold and use it!

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How To Make Binding Chalk And Why You'll Love It // The Traveling Witch

Updated on August 20, 2023 by Avery Hart


  1. Huge fan of your blog. I’ve learned so much! I have a question. Where did this recipe come from? Is it from a book? I love it so much. If it’s from another source (not made up by you- which would be totally cool if it was), I would love to read the source myself. Thanks!!!!!!

  2. I cannot make this chalk 😞 can it be bought, do you know? I have just found you and I absolutely love what you have posted. Thank you so very much. JoJo .
    Blessed be darling 😍

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