Divination tools like tarot cards or oracle cards are always popular with witches but sometimes, you don’t want all the hassle of pulling a spread of cards and interpreting the whole thing. Often all you need is a simple, clear answer, and getting that from more nuanced divination methods is tricky. This is why I always recommend witches and magicians learn two forms of divination, one nuanced method like tarot, and one yes/no method like a pendulum.

Pendulums are a powerful tool, they’re like a life hack for your magic and divination. When you get skilled with a pendulum, you can get incredibly precise, clear answers in a very short amount of time. A pendulum can also dramatically improve your tarot or oracle readings when you combine the two spiritual practices. If you’re ready to take your divination to the next level, then you’re in the right place. Today, I’m going to teach you how to use a pendulum and answer all of your questions so you can start getting crystal-clear divinations right away.
What Is A Pendulum?
First, for those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about when I use the word pendulum, a pendulum is essentially any weighted object on a chain or the end of a string. This allows the object to swing freely in any direction, allowing you to interpret the pendulum’s movement as it swings.
Many pendulums are made specifically for divination, but you do not have to have a pendulum that was made specifically for that purpose. For example, my pendulum is just a tiger’s eye pendant on a chain. I keep it with me for protection, but it’s incredibly useful as a method of divination as well.
You can do the same thing with any crystal on a chain, a necklace with a pendant, or any other smallish object with sufficient weight that can swing freely from a chain or string. You do not have to get fancy with this. Your pendulum also doesn’t have to be made out of a specific material. I find that natural materials like stone work incredibly well, but metals also work very well. If you want to get started right away, you can just find whatever you have lying around the house and put it on the end of a chain or a string. It is that simple. I discuss pendulum choice in a bit more depth in the FAQ below.
How To Use Your Pendulum
The basics of pendulum work are dead simple. You will hold the top of the chain or string, allowing the weight to swing freely at the bottom. You’re going to hold your arm steady, but you don’t need to be overly concerned with keeping your hand 100% completely still (because that’s simply not possible and also not necessary). Allow the pendulum to come to rest so that it is relatively still. Think of a yes-no question in your mind, and then watch what the pendulum does.
These are the very basic steps of using your pendulum. However, interpreting your pendulum requires a some initial setup. You need to do a quick evaluation process to get to know your pendulum. So before you start reading, we need to take you through the steps of learning to interpret your pendulum.
The first time you use your pendulum, start by holding it in your dominant hand and letting it come to a complete stop. And then I want you to think very clearly in your mind, “Show me a yes.” Hold on to this thought or say it out loud. Some people get better results when speaking. Think, “Show me a yes”, until your pendulum begins to swing. Take note of the direction that the pendulum swings. This might be a back-and-forth swing, it might be a side-to-side swing, it might swing in a circular motion. Whatever your pendulum does, that means yes for your pendulum. You should interpret that motion as a yes every time you see it.
When you have a clear yes, you’re going to allow your pendulum to come to rest again and then think clearly, “Show me a no.” Hold that thought in your mind and wait until your pendulum begins to show you its version of no. Again, this might be side-to-side, back-and-forth, or in a circle in one direction or the other. Pay attention, take note of your pendulum’s movements. When you get a very clear, consistent swing, that is your pendulum’s version of no.
You can continue with additional potential answers if you would like more than simply yes and no. My pendulum gives me four different answers. For me, yes is a back-and-forth swing, no is a side-to-side swing, “no but…” is a counterclockwise circle, and “yes and…” is a clockwise circle.
Your own pendulum might move differently than mine. I’m simply giving you an example of how these different movements could look. I would suggest that, as a beginner, you write down what answers you’re getting and what your pendulum is showing you for each of these answers. And again, if you want to start with just yes and no, that is perfectly fine! Right now, you just want to get a clear baseline of how your pendulum speaks to you.
Once you have a clear baseline, you can begin to ask your pendulum questions. Remember, these need to be formulated as clear yes-no questions. You can ask questions such as:
“Am I interpreting this tarot card correctly?”
“Do I need to cleanse my home today?”
“Did my spell work?”
“If I cast this spell will it have the desired result?”
“Should I listen to my gut about this person/place/opportunity?”
There are a million questions that you can ask your pendulum and with practice, you will learn to drill down and get extremely detailed information simply by using a rapid series of questions.
The real benefit of the pendulum is clarity. When you get a solid yes-no answer for every question, it cuts out the intangibility of a more nuanced interpretation. Unlike tarot, where something like the Justice card can either be a very good thing or a very bad thing depending on the situation, your pendulum will give you clear-cut answers with zero ambiguity. When combined with a more nuanced form of divination like tarot, this allows you to get next-level accuracy and confidence in your divinations.
It also gives you the ability to enhance your spellwork by checking to make sure you’re doing the right spells at the right time, that you’re using spells that will be effective for you, and that the spells you’ve cast are working as intended. Instead of having to cast and then cross your fingers and hope for results, you can get clear guidance and feedback on your magic which will help you become a much more effective spellcaster very quickly.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I choose the right pendulum?
Pendulum choice does not need to be difficult. Various materials have unique properties. Crystal, metal, glass, wood, stone, jewelry, etc, all make excellent pendulums. Different pendulums have different properties and benefits, I would suggest not worrying about this too much right up front but if you want to consider some other materials, here are some options.
Crystal pendulums are a popular choice and just about any type of crystal can be made into a pendulum. Clear quartz is amplifying which can allow it to pick up on subtle vibrations more easily. Tiger’s eye and black tourmaline are protective and will prevent interference from negative energy or spirits. Smoky quartz and citrine are self-cleansing.
Wooden pendulums are less common but still an excellent choice. You can look for woods like Ash for enhanced communication, Cedar for protection and communicating with underworld spirits, or Oak for truth and protection.
If you have an affinity for a particular stone, a necklace that you always wear, or some other meaningful item, feel free to use that. You don’t need to spend a ton of money for the perfect pendulum to get started though. Find something you like and give it a whirl.
The one thing I would avoid is a pendulum made out of plastic. Plastic in general does not conduct energy as well, and I find that the readings I get from a pendulum with a plastic weight are much, much harder to get a clear read on.
How do I formulate clear and effective questions?
Always phrase them as clear yes-no questions. That’s the only hard and fast rule. Beyond that, it’s all about what you feel comfortable with. You don’t need to spend too long thinking about how to formulate the exact right question because your pendulum will guide you! If the question can’t be answered, it probably won’t move. You’ll need to rephrase and try different versions until you get a clear answer. In addition, you can get answers from your pendulum rapidly. I’ll often cycle through 20-30 questions in a session, starting broad and slowly narrowing down until I get to the core of the issue. This is like playing 20 questions, you can ask big questions that are designed to help direct the entire session and narrow down your subsequent questions. Don’t overthink your questions and don’t worry about not asking things exactly right. Keep asking and you’ll get to the answers you need eventually.
Can anyone learn to use a pendulum, or do you need special skills?
Anyone can learn to use a pendulum. You don’t need to be psychic or have any kind of energy skills. The pendulum is essentially taking that psychic or energetic information and translating it into a visible, concrete form. This means it’s perfect for people with spotty or nonexistent psychic skills!
I’m not getting clear swings, what do I do?
First thing, start by cleansing your pendulum well. I like to bury mine in salt or leave it out under the full moon. Next, you’ll want to focus on building a strong connection with your pendulum. Try holding the pendulum so that it swings over the palm of your hand. I find this amplifies the strength of my swings quite a bit. Use your intuition and see what you need to build that connection. Keep it in your pocket for a week, sleep with it under your pillow, and use it frequently.
If none of this works, you may need to try other pendulums. Some materials simply may not be appropriate for every individual. For example, my energy doesn’t vibe well with amethyst so amethyst pendulums don’t work for me.
What are some common beginner mistakes to avoid?
Don’t overthink it. A lot of people start using their pendulum and spend a ton of time agonizing over whether the information they’re getting is REALLY divination or just wishful thinking and you should avoid this. If you’re skeptical, be skeptical. That’s fine. The more you practice and use your pendulum, the more confidence in it you’ll have. Experience will teach you how to get those clear readings we all want. While you’re still in the doubting phase, just avoid betting the farm on anything your pendulum says. You’re not supposed to use it to replace your critical thinking and decision-making skills. You don’t need to throw away your autonomy and make a big life choice based on your pendulum alone. Just jot down some notes about what your pendulum said, make your decisions taking all of the relevant information into account, and see how things shake out. With time, your doubts will fade naturally because your results will speak for themselves.
My hand is shaky/twitchy, will this still work?
Probably. If you have tremors that are bad enough that you cannot get any kind of clear swing, this probably won’t work for you but anything short of that is fine. The reality is, those little twitches and movements are what makes your pendulum move! You’re not waiting for some outside force to move the pendulum with absolutely no physical input whatsoever. Rather, the forces that are moving your pendulum and speaking to you through it are using YOU to move it. Those little unavoidable movements are a part of how the psychic information is being translated. Your body is the conduit. The psychic or energetic information enters our energy fields and then the body turns that into incredibly subtle movements. So if you get clear swings, trust them. If you’re unsure, ask the question multiple times to verify, letting the pendulum stop swinging between each question. There’s nothing wrong with asking for verification!
What am I communicating with through the pendulum?
That depends on the individual. For some, you will know exactly who you’re communicating with. These would be people who work with specific spirits, gods, ancestors, or forces. For others, it will be more nebulous. Maybe you’re speaking to your higher self, the universe, your spirit guides, or even your subconscious mind. If you’re worried about speaking to the wrong being, cleanse your space beforehand and cast a circle to protect you from malicious or misleading spirits. If you want to know who you’re speaking to, ask! Use yes-no questions to find out who’s helping you. This is such an incredible way to get to know your guides and spirit protectors.
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