The process of becoming a witch can be daunting. There is so much information and you have so many questions, none of which seem to have straightforward answers. Where do you begin? Can anyone become a witch? Do you need some kind of formal initiation? And how do you keep yourself safe as you begin exploring this practice? Today I’m going to answer all of your questions so that you can start your journey into the craft on the right foot.

Can Anyone Become A Witch?
Before we can get to the how of becoming a witch, we need to talk about who this information actually applies to, who can actually become a witch, and who can’t. You will hear many conflicting opinions about this topic, but the truth is absolutely anyone can become a witch if they choose. Modern witchcraft is not something that is only accessible by a select few lucky individuals. Not at all. Magic is an innate human energy. It is inborn to every single one of us.
We all have the capacity to use magic in some form or fashion. The ways in which we can tap into these powers may vary. And just as with any other discipline, some individuals will be more talented than others. But that does not mean that a person who does not have any natural talent cannot do magic. Through diligence, work, and study, anyone can become a very adept witch.
Witchcraft doesn’t need to run in your family, and you don’t need to have any kind of formal initiation to begin the process of becoming a witch. You can simply decide that this is a path that you want to explore and begin. Now I won’t tell you that becoming a witch will be completely effortless because it won’t. Witchcraft, like any other skill, takes practice and diligence to learn. But, if you are ready and willing to put in the work, then real magic and real power are available to you.
How Can You Become A Witch?
So how do you actually begin the process of becoming a witch? Some people will tell you that all you have to do is decide that you’re a witch, and you are. I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with these people. You can’t decide that you’re a world-class chef and suddenly poof, you are one. Becoming a world-class chef requires study, training, and countless hours spent in the kitchen, actually cooking.
Witchcraft is exactly the same. The process of becoming a witch is not one that happens with a simple decision. It is one that happens over time, as you learn and grow and perfect your craft. The process of becoming is a transformation, born out of work, desire, and practice. Becoming a witch is not something you simply decide that you are. The process requires deeply changing as a person, learning about your own internal capacity for magic and power, and finding ways to actually use that magic to affect your reality.
If this sounds like a lot of drudgery, let me remind you that this is magic that we’re talking about! I’m not asking you to pour over dry, dusty math textbooks. I’m asking you to explore the world of magic and witchcraft. This process, while it may require some work from you, will give you far, far more than it asks. You will delve deeply into the world of your own power. You will meet fantastical spirits and allies in your magical process. You will learn occult secrets and knowledge that give you the keys to transform your life. If that doesn’t excite you then this may not be the practice for you!
Where To Start Your Witchcraft Journey
If you’ve reached this point in the blog post and you’re thinking, “this sounds amazing, where do I sign?” then the good news is, starting your process can be very simple. You do not have to jump into the most complex esoteric teachings or start doing magic that is far beyond your capacity right now. The process of learning magic can be fun and easy. Let’s talk about how to actually go about becoming a witch.
1. Start learning
I know it seems trite to say just start learning but that really is the best way to begin. Just pick a starting point and learn everything you can about it. In The Coven, I have an entire beginner’s track that takes you through some of the best foundational materials that you’ll need to start your practice but you can really start anywhere that appeals to you.
A lot of people choose to start with defensive and protective magic because it allows them to stay safe and to practice with the knowledge that they can handle any potential issues that might come up. Other people start with whatever interests them most. They might start by learning about magical herbs and working magic with the natural world, or with tarot, or by learning how to cast a spell for something they want. There are many different traditions that you can explore but don’t be in a big hurry to commit yourself to one right away, there’s always time for that later.
Don’t worry about what type of witch you are, that’s something that develops over time. The most important thing is just getting started and learning in an exploratory way. You don’t know what kind of magic you’ll like or be good at until you try it! You won’t be able to figure out if you should have a solitary practice or if you prefer group ritual until you try it both ways. There are so many modern witches who started their practice with no clue where it would take them who ended up becoming green witches, sea witches, hedge witches, or kitchen witches, and many who never specialize and remain eclectic witches because they simply like the variety of options it affords them. The fun of this part of becoming a witch is the exploration and the discovery!
Don’t worry about finding the absolute best books. Learn from various sources and don’t be stingy with your learning. Instead of trying to find the absolute best resource on a subject, find as many books, blog posts, podcasts, and videos as you can on the topic. The more you learn, the more you’ll be able to recognize the really good resources easily. Learn in whatever way is easiest for you, if you don’t have time to sit down and read, stick to audiobooks and recorded classes for now. Your magical practice will develop over time but the building blocks of your craft is the knowledge that you acquire. The more you learn, the better.
Where you begin really is less important than that you begin. You will be filling in gaps in your knowledge and advancing your practice for years and even decades to come. It is one of the joys of learning magic. There is always more to learn and always new ways to get better at your practice. So where you begin today isn’t the gigantic decision it may at first seem.
If you are really struggling with choosing where to begin, I suggest you start with defensive magic because it gives you a good foundation. And if you want a guided path to get you through these stages, I’ve designed The Coven for exactly that purpose. Whatever you choose, it’s important that you simply choose and get started. Learn whatever you want. Dive deep into it or learn a little bit about a lot of things. Just get the ball rolling.
2. Start practicing
The next step is to start putting what you’ve learned into practice. This is an equally vital step and one that too many of my students put off for way too long. If all you ever do is read about magic, and you never actually start practicing magic, you will not become a witch and feel like you have really achieved what you want to achieve. And I mean really practicing as a skill, not just casting a spell here and there when you feel like it or when you really need it but actively going out of your way to practice and train the skills of magic
Having all the knowledge in the world does you no good if you cannot actually put it into practice. You must begin to train your magical skills and practice the things that you are learning about. You need to cast different spells regularly, use the herbs that you’re learning about, use your tarot cards on a regular basis, meditate, perform simple rituals, practice your skills with communicating with spirits, learn to create a sacred space, and use your ritual tools. All of these things are vitally important to becoming a witch.
You cannot sit back and collect knowledge about magic and think that it will get you anywhere. This is a mistake that I see too many people making. They don’t want to use their magic too much because it can often feel greedy to constantly be casting spells for things. But the problem is that if you are not practicing your skills and training your abilities, then when it comes time and you really need your magic, you may not have the skills to pull it off.
Magick is an innate energy that any person can learn to harness. But the key here is that you have to learn to harness it. It is a skill and if you are not actively training and practicing with that skill, you will not have the expertise and ability necessary to accomplish your goals when you really need them to come through. This means it’s time for you to start practicing way more. You need to be casting spells for little things, contacting spirits just for the practice of it, drawing tarot cards for yourself and anyone else who will sit still long enough for you to do a reading. The more you do these things, the better at it you will become and the more reliable your skills will be when you really, really need them.
3. Repeat
Finally, you’re going to repeat steps one and two, basically forever. Magic is a skill you can always improve at, that you should always be learning more about, and practicing to hone your skills. This may seem like a very simplistic approach to learning magic, but this really is how everybody who is truly excellent at magic approaches it. You study, and then you practice, and then you study some more, and then you practice some more. It is a never-ending cycle, but it’s one you can take a great amount of joy in if magic is truly something you are called to.
There are always new ways to refine your practice, new schools of magic to explore, and new spirits to introduce yourself to. And every step you take, whether it be study or practice, leads you deeper into your own power, enhancing and growing your magic skills, and giving you the tools to create the life you want. All of the magical potential you could ever want or need is lying dormant within you. The only thing that stands between you, and harnessing that power, is your willingness to take the first step.
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Updated on February 16, 2025 by Avery Hart