Manifestation is a complex topic.
It can seem really confusing and overwhelming for beginners to start their own manifestation practice. If you’ve been interested in adding manifestation journaling to your own practice, or if you’re brand new to manifestation and you want to know where to start, this blog post is for you.
Journaling is an incredible place to start your manifestation practice because it is easy, it doesn’t require any fancy tools or the ability to meditate or visualization or any of the things that can seem really difficult when you’re just getting started and want a taste of what the law of attraction can do for your life. Journaling allows you to simply sit down and pour your thoughts and feelings and desires onto the page, and this is useful for two reasons.
First, any kind of physical action you take towards your manifestation will help it to manifest faster, even if that action is simply writing down what you want. Studies have even found that writing down a goal or a desire makes you 42% more likely to actually achieve that goal. So by sitting down and taking the physical action, you are turning these thoughts and feelings and desires from something that simply lives in your mind to something that is now seeded into physical reality.
The second thing that makes this such a powerful tool is that this allows you to review your own manifestation practice so that you can get better at it over time. Manifestation, like anything else, requires practice to get good at it. So if you want to be able to use the process of manifestation to change your life and really create the reality that you desire, then journaling gives you the chance to look back over your previous manifestation sessions and see what you might need to change, what might be showing up in your manifestations such as limiting beliefs, or ways of thinking and speaking that are actually blocking you from manifesting what you desire. So grab your manifesting journal and let’s take a look at 10 manifestation journaling prompts that you can use to start creating your new reality today.
1. “I am most grateful for _____ today because _____.”
This first manifestation prompt is all about getting yourself into the state of appreciation. Now, I don’t want this to be your run of the mill gratitude list. The word gratitude gets thrown around a lot and it can sometimes feel a little bit forced for a lot of people, especially those who are newer to manifestation. So I like to use the word appreciation when I think about this because appreciation doesn’t have the same heaviness as gratitude can. The energy of appreciation is simply one of noticing the good things in your life and what we place our attention on is what we get more of. So by taking time to notice and appreciate the things that are good about your life, you are shifting into positive energy and into a state where you can receive the things that you want.
If you want to take this prompt a little bit further, you can then explore how this state of appreciation makes you feel and why these particular things matter to you so much. A big part of learning to manifest is learning to identify what we actually want, what our truest desires are because we cannot manifest if we don’t know what we actually want to create in our lives. So by starting with gratitude and appreciation, we prime your entire system energetically and mentally to call in what you desire, receive those manifestations, and actually develop a better understanding of your true desires.
2. “When I imagine my ideal life one year from now, I see myself…”
With this prompt, we’re moving onto the next step and starting to really dig into what you want out of your dream life. Now, the one-year timeline does not have to be your ultimate end goal. It can be, but often it’s much easier to manifest something that you feel is believable. So if you had to pick somewhere that you want to be one year from now that feels achievable and believable to you, what would that be?
Write out this future version of yourself. Include things like what you’re doing, how you feel, who you’re with, and what you’ve accomplished. Think about how it feels to look back on how much you’ve done in this year. Try to write this in the first-person perspective. So, use the present tense, “I am” not “I will”. We want to write this as though you are currently in that new reality one year from now.
The more detail you can include about how you feel, the better! And this doesn’t have to just be your emotions. This can also be sensory feelings. How safe do you feel? How comfortable do you feel? What kind of clothing do you wear and are the fabrics nicer against your skin? How much time do you spend outside and how good does it feel to get sunlight or to get more movement? What kind of food do you eat and how much do you enjoy it? Capturing those little sensory details can really elevate your manifestation practice hugely. This is also the perfect journal entry to inspire your vision board!
3. “The limiting belief that’s been holding me back is _____, but I choose to replace it with _____.”
You want to use this prompt anytime you find a limiting belief and are ready to let go of it. This is less for the big gnarly trauma healing kind of limiting beliefs and more for the smaller limiting beliefs that can really pile up and kind of act like an anchor preventing you from moving forward in your manifestation.
Your subconscious mind is like a computer program running things on autopilot in the background, we want to make sure the program that you’re running isn’t holding you back. You want to examine your old thought patterns and you can look at what created this limiting belief, how this limiting belief has been affecting you, and why this limiting belief is not true. It’s especially helpful to focus on why the limiting belief isn’t true. The more you can disprove this limiting belief to yourself through clear logical arguments, the easier it will be to replace this belief with a new one at the end of your journaling practice.
4. “Today I took these three small steps toward my dreams…”
The manifestation process can be fast when you get exceptionally good at it, but when you’re new to manifestation, it can take some time for your manifestations to arrive. What this means is that you can get caught feeling like your manifestations are not working because they haven’t shown up yet, but just because they haven’t shown up yet doesn’t mean they’re not coming. By using this journaling prompt and focusing on the small daily wins and celebrating your progress towards your long-term goals, you are keeping yourself in that positive mindset that will keep the forward momentum of energy, drawing that manifestation into your life.
It is very easy to get caught in that grasping, hurrying energy where you feel like it’s not happening fast enough and you need it to happen right now. The problem is that these negative emotions will drive your manifestations away from you. It will prevent your manifestations from actually manifesting! So to keep yourself out of this state, it’s important to focus on positive thinking and celebrating your progress, no matter how tiny it might seem. This keeps you in the headspace of that forward momentum and allows you to really see how tiny cumulative things can add up to a big manifestation down the road when it does come in (because it will come in!)
5. “I release my attachment to _____ because I know _____.”
Often, attachments to our current state of being can slow down or even halt our manifestation journey. For example, if you want to manifest your dream romantic partner, but you are attached to a situationship with the kind of person who is absolutely not your dream partner, that attachment to your situationship will prevent your dream partner from being able to manifest.
This is a big example, but there are lots of little ways that this happens as well. For example, an attachment to the mindset of not seeing yourself as a very fit person can prevent you from actually getting more fit. Likewise, an attachment to the identity of not being a very good student can prevent you from learning how to put in the work and become the kind of disciplined person who gets the straight A’s that you want. The same thing goes for your relationships, for your work, for living situations, for friends.
Now this doesn’t mean that you need to let go of everything in your life that isn’t what you are trying to manifest. But there are probably plenty of things in your life that you can identify right now that are not what you are actually trying to manifest. This is all about aligning yourself with your core values and not allowing your current reality to block your manifestation. And by hanging on to these things so fiercely, you are blocking your manifestations from actually coming in!
Then we end this journaling prompt with “because I know” because we want to move you into the state of feeling like you already have what you want. So often we hold on to these attachments out of fear, because we are afraid that what we really want is never going to come. So we replace these attachments with a certainty and a trust that your manifestation is working, that something way better is in store for you, because you know that the universe has your back and it wants you to get everything you want.
This might look like, “I release my attachment to sleeping in late, because I know that if I put in the time to go to the gym before work every day, I will get the dream body that I am after.”
You can also take this time to examine the feelings that come up for you around this attachment. Examine, why are you holding on to this? Why is it so important to you? What would help you to feel ready to let go of it?
6. “When I achieve _____, it will impact my life by _____.”
This journaling prompt is all about feeling it real. You want to create a clear vision of what you are trying to manifest and then think about how it would change your life. How would it change you? How you would feel about yourself and your life as a result of achieving these important goals? This is a prompt to dive deep on, this is not a brief journaling exercise. This is one of the most powerful ways to get a clear picture of your future self. I want you to really get into the state of being of what it would feel like and how your life would change when this manifestation comes in. How would you transform as a person? How would your life look what would you do differently every single day? Really take your time and give yourself a complete picture of what your life would look like after receiving your manifestation. You want to make the transformation as real as possible for yourself. And again, write this as though it’s all true in the present moment.
7. “I am becoming _____ every day by _____.”
This prompt is about deciding who you want to be and what it would take for you every day to become that person. We think of manifestation techniques as something that happen in the mind through meditations and visualizations, but the reality is that we are physical beings living in physical reality. We are not made to create through the power of our mind and positive thoughts alone. We are of course using the power of our mind, but if we use our manifestation practice to try and create something in our reality and refuse to take action towards that manifestation, we are essentially contradicting ourselves. We’re telling the universe, “hey, I want this!” and then we are saying the exact opposite thing with the way that we live our lives every single day.
Instead, I want you to think about the small things that you can do on a daily basis that would move you towards your manifestation. Whether that means you need to change your eating habits or adopt better study habits, whether that means you need to spend more time on self-care or start working on that business that you want to start. Find small ways that you can take steps toward your manifestation every single day. Create clear goals and devote a little time to moving toward them every day. Because by doing that, you are getting not only your mind in alignment with your manifestation journal work and your feelings in alignment with your manifestation practice, but you are getting your physical actions in alignment so that every part of you is pulling you forward into this new reality that you are trying to create.
8. “The universe has been showing me signs through…”
This prompt is for when you are feeling like your manifestation is just not happening. When you are seeing nowhere near enough movement in the outside world and you’re starting to slip into that negative energy, that grasping, rushing, tension-filled energy that can drive your manifestation away. We want to pause and change the way that we’re thinking and change the way that we’re feeling by intentionally looking for the ways that the universe is showing you signs. I want you to think about recent coincidences, any repeated patterns that you’ve been seeing, or any meaningful encounters that may be guiding you towards your desires.
These can be big things, but it can also be teeny tiny things. Anything that is meaningful to you, whether it’s angel numbers, or seeing your favorite kind of bird outside your window, or getting a compliment from someone. There are so many ways that the universe can communicate with us that we are moving in the right direction, but we are all too often blind to these signals. So when you are feeling like your manifestation just is not working and you’re ready to throw in the towel, I want you to sit down and use the process of writing to look for all of the ways that you are being shown that your manifestations are on their way.
9. “I choose to feel _____ today because _____.”
This is a fantastic journaling prompt to use every single day. How you feel informs how reality responds to you. We’re not joking when we say feeling is the secret! The way that you feel changes everything that you attract, everything that you experience, the way that people treat you. So by learning to consciously choose how you want to feel and why you want to feel that way, you can begin to become a conscious creator of your reality.
I want you to select an emotion that you want to embody and find ways to intentionally create and maintain that feeling in your day. And don’t forget to remind yourself why you are creating this feeling! Now this doesn’t mean that you have to be 100% positive all the time and gloss over or reject your negative thoughts. It’s okay if you are not perfect at maintaining this emotional state nonstop. This prompt is simply about intentionally choosing what state you want to be in, making that a habit for yourself, and finding actionable ways to create that in your life. I love using this prompt first thing while I’m drinking my morning coffee. It’s an excellent way to start the day and keep your manifestations at the forefront of your mind.
10. “I am ready to receive _____ because I have prepared by _____.”
With this prompt, we are returning to the manifestation and the thing that we want to create in our lives, but rather than focusing on what we are doing every day, I want you to think about what you have done, the inner work that you have done to become ready for this new reality. This is about recognizing your personal growth and the hard work that you’ve done. Who are you being that will allow you to receive this manifestation? What have you healed? What new skills have you acquired emotionally and mentally? What patterns and habits have you transformed? What limiting beliefs have you released?
This form of manifestation is wonderful for two reasons. It both allows you to see how far you’ve come and how much work you have really done towards your life goals and it also can help you to see the areas where you still need to do more work. Inner work is one of the biggest parts of a manifestation practice. Who we are being, how we are thinking, the beliefs that we are living our lives by inform the universe about what it should bring into our lives. Simply having a desire is not enough. We need to be the person who can receive that. We need to feel that reality into being. We need to believe that it is possible for us. And this journaling prompt gives you the space to discover that for yourself and create a clear path to your desired reality.