Magic and witchcraft are often used to deal with external problems and desires, such as drawing more money to you, attracting new love, or protecting yourself from outside dangers. But magic is just as capable of making changes to the internal world, to us as individuals. One less common way that this can be done is through the use of beauty magic.

There are many reasons why a person might want to use a beauty spell, ranging from low levels of self-confidence to the desire to give themselves an edge in their career, to improving their ability to attract the kind of life partner that they want. Beauty is a kind of social currency, the same way that money can be used as a social currency. It allows us to move through the world with greater ease. Using magic to make yourself more beautiful is just as valid as using magic to draw more money into your life. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss what beauty spells can and can’t do, and how you can cast a beauty spell for yourself to start reaping the rewards of a more beautiful life.
What Beauty Spells Can & Can’t Do
Before we actually get into casting beauty spells, we need to understand what beauty spells are capable of. The first thing you need to know is that beauty rituals cannot and will not radically alter the way you look overnight. For example, it will not change the shape of your nose, it will not change your eye color, it will not change your height, and it cannot miraculously cause weight loss in an unreasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, our magic is bound by the laws and limitations of the reality that we live in. So rearranging your physical features without some kind of external intervention like plastic surgery is simply not going to happen.
Now, something like a beauty spell can make it so that you have more opportunities and resources to pursue things like plastic surgery, dental work, or weight loss interventions. That is well within the scope of a beauty spell. But you can’t cast a beauty spell and wake up tomorrow looking like Angelina Jolie.
What a beauty spell can do is it can increase your opportunities to improve upon your physical appearance such as bringing you more money to spend on cosmetics, better clothing, and better self-care. It can draw in opportunities for learning more about beauty such as learning how to better do your makeup or learning how to dress yourself in more flattering ways. It can improve your self-confidence, the way that you carry yourself, and so on.
Again, these results will not be overnight. Instead, they will build slowly over time, and you will notice your appearance improving in a myriad of ways over the course of weeks and months. This means that the absolute best way to use this kind of beauty spell that I am about to teach you is to cast it repeatedly. This keeps the momentum of the energy flowing in your life and keeps the opportunities to enhance your beauty flowing as well.
My recommendation would be for those of you who are heavily focused on this area of your magic and your life, to cast this beauty spell every single week on Friday, preferably during the Hour of Venus. For those of you who simply want to maintain and gradually improve your beauty over time, cast this spell once a month on a Friday, again, preferably during an Hour of Venus. By repeatedly returning to this spell and making your petitions, you are able to continue drawing more and more enhancements to your personal beauty into your life. These results will compound over time, and you will grow more beautiful with every casting.
Finally, this is not a glamour spell. You are not using this spell to make yourself appear more beautiful or more alluring to other people without actually changing your appearance. The goal of this spell is the gradual improvement of your unique beauty over time. We are not attempting to impact other people’s perception of you directly through magic. Rather, we are impacting you and your physical appearance directly. For those of you who would rather just glamour yourself for a quick boost in how attractive other people find you, you will need to find a different glamour-focused spell. For those of you who want to cultivate true beauty, both inner and outer, this is the spell for you.
The Venusian Beauty Spell
In this spell, we will be calling on the goddess Venus to enhance our beauty. Venus is known for her influence over matters of love, harmony, beauty, luxury, and pleasure. She can help us to both see the beauty already inherent within us and unlock our hidden potential for beauty, often in very practical ways. This spell will enhance your beauty by bringing you the opportunities and resources that will assist you the most in your quest for beauty. This can draw a wide range of beauty enhancements into your life, from better nutrition, fitness, and skincare, to more flattering clothing, makeup, and haircuts.
Cast this spell either weekly or monthly on a Friday during the hour of Venus. It should be noted that while this spell was written with women in mind, it can be used by men as well!
You Will Need:
- Rose water
- Vanilla or rose incense
- A pink pillar candle (I like a thick 3″ candle)
- A carving implement
- A pen and a piece of paper
- A small offering bowl
- Any additional Venusian altar items and offerings that you like such as fresh flowers, rose petals, rose quartz or aquamarine, pieces of copper, Venus oil or rose oil, chocolate, honey, or wine
Begin this spell by making yourself as beautiful as possible. Take a shower, do your hair and makeup, put on clothing that makes you feel attractive (particularly clothing that is green, red, or pink), and anoint yourself with perfume or rose oil. The process of preparing yourself for this ritual is a part of the offering that you are making to Venus. You are showing her that you are dedicated to your own beauty and cultivating the values that she presides over in your life.

When you are fully done up, it’s time to set up your altar. Begin by carving the glyph of Venus into your candle. If you have an appropriate oil, you can anoint the candle. Place this candle in the center of your altar. Arrange your altar items and offerings around the candle, and try to make your altar as beautiful and visually appealing as possible. Pour some of your rose water into the offering bowl and set out your incense.
Now you will write your petition. If you don’t have anything specific that you want to change about your appearance, you can simply write a petition for Venus to make you more beautiful. Otherwise, you can ask for help with specific aspects of your appearance that you would like help with. If this is your first time using this ritual, I recommend starting with any low-hanging fruit and building up to more complex or expensive alterations to your appearance that you might want. For example, starting with a better haircut, getting rid of acne, or an improved sense of style will be quicker and easier than big changes like dental work or plastic surgery.
When you have finished your petition, lay it in front of your candle. Light your candle, close your eyes, and call to mind the glyph of Venus. This glyph will help you to connect with her energy and call her assistance into your life. When you feel ready, recite the prayer below, light your incense, and present your offerings.
“Genial Venus, generous and kind,
Who gives laws to heaven, earth, and sea,
Who captures every creature with your charm,
And blesses us with elegance, and beauty.
Goddess of love, most bountiful,
Delight of men and Gods,
I pray that you bless me with radiant beauty,
Grant me the allure of the sublime,
Make my hair radiant, my eyes sparkle, and my form a delight to behold,
All this I ask in your name,
And may this offering find favor with you.”
After you make your offerings, you can continue meditating on her glyph, visualizing yourself at your most beautiful, and listening for any whispers from the goddess herself.
Allow the candle to burn for the full hour of Venus (longer if you like) and when you are ready to close your ritual say:
“I thank you Venus for your presence and blessing,
I give offering and praise to you.
As you came in power, go forth in peace,
Ever ready to come again should I call.”
Blow out your candle, collect any perishable offerings to be respectfully disposed of, and your ritual is closed. If you can leave your altar to Venus in place, it is recommended that you do so. This altar will act as a gateway for Venus’s influence and power to act in your life. Make sure that you never allow food or flowers to go bad or wilt on the altar and keep the space clean and tidy. When you repeat the spell, you can use the same pink candle, and refresh your offerings and incense to her.
What To Do After Your Spell
Now that your beauty spell has been cast, there are a few things you need to know about how you should act and behave to get the best results out of your spell.
First, you cannot simply cast this spell and then put absolutely no effort into your physical appearance. If you go about your life looking like a slob, never doing your hair, wearing dirty sweatpants everywhere, this spell will not work. You are essentially contradicting the action of your spell. You are asking to be blessed with beauty and elegance, but then you are refusing to embody those traits in your day-to-day life. This will block the spell from being able to work properly.
Again, one of the ways that this spell will work is it will bring you opportunities to become more beautiful. It will bring you ideas for better haircuts, for doing your makeup in a more flattering way, and for dressing in a more beautiful fashion that suits your body well. It will bring you opportunities for beauty enhancements through things like better skin care and cosmetic procedures, both minor and major if that is what you desire. The key here is that this spell will bring you the opportunities to enhance your natural radiance but it is up to you to act on those opportunities and actually cash in on everything that it brings you so that you can become more beautiful.
You will need to keep an eye out for the opportunities that this spell is bringing you. These can come in the form of something simple, like a recommended YouTube video for a new style of makeup. It could come as an invitation to an exercise class. It could come in a variety of ways. And it is up to you to watch for those opportunities and act upon them.
When you combine these two things, the regular and repeated use of this powerful spell to draw opportunities for beauty into your life, and the day-to-day actions of watching for and acting upon the opportunities to be more beautiful, you will find yourself rapidly becoming more attractive and more beautiful with every passing week.
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