The 2 Most Common Mistakes New Witches Make And How To Avoid Them

New witches have the tendency to all make the same kinds of mistakes. It’s hard not to! We’re all swimming around in this information soup trying to figure out what’s important and what’s true or not.

It can be SO overwhelming!

Today I’ll be talking about the 2 biggest mistakes that I see beginner witches making and what you can do about them.

Mistake #1 – New witches learn things in all the wrong order

This one is HUGE but we hardly ever talk about it!

People in witchy communities are always hearing the mantra of “learn as much as possible!” over and over and while that is great advice for beginners it’s often more of a bandaid than a real solution!

The problem comes when more experienced witches get asked “how do I get started?” and they immediately think back to how they started. I don’t want you to start how I started! I don’t want you to start how most of us started!

The majority of more experienced witches learned through just gulping down anything and everything they could find about the craft. Over a long period of time you learn to separate fact from fiction and you can be pretty sure that you haven’t missed anything crazy important.

This takes YEARS though.

And in the meantime while you’re sorting through all of that info you’re confused and lost and quite possibly missing some super vital pieces of information! After all you can’t know what you’re missing if you don’t even know it exists!

Why on earth would I want to tell you to do that when I already know what a beginner absolutely must learn to get a solid start in their craft?

This is the #1 reason why I decided to create my new course. I have been through this process, it bites. I want to give you a resource that will boost you through those initial learning phases not in years but in WEEKS.

I want you to be able to get to a place of confidence and comfortability without the confusion, the struggle and the endless amounts of research hoping you’re finding the information that you need.

Skip the struggle and let me show you everything you need to get started!

Mistake #2 – New witches end up trying to learn in a vacuum

There’s nothing worse than learning something completely by yourself. Often finding your way into witchy communities can be super hard. You may not know where to find them and then if you DO find them they can be pretty darn unfriendly to beginners!

Social media can be great but it can also feel like talking into a void!

What’s the point of even asking a question if all you’re going to hear back is crickets?

So instead you end up trying to figure things out all by yourself and without anybody to help it can feel like groping around in the dark for something that you only kind of know to look for.

Talk about frustrating!

In my traditional witchcraft course we circumvent these problems by giving you a community that is open to beginners and run by experts. You’ll have a place to ask questions, talk about your craft and interact with other witches right from day one!

You get real interaction in a safe environment with out the hassle.

My goal is to help YOU become the confident, badass witch that you want to be. This can be such a difficult undertaking but it doesn’t have to be!

What mistakes are you worried about making? Let me know in the comments!

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The 2 Most Common Mistakes New Witches Make And How To Avoid Them // The Traveling Witch

Updated on August 20, 2023 by Avery Hart


  1. My dear Traveling Witch, It makes my Soul smile knowing that you are so open and honest with this Path. It’s refreshing, I am new to the path and beyond appreciate your kindness and help : – ) Heather

  2. My dear witchy friend
    First I’d like to thank you for so many informative tips.
    You truly do understand the frustrations of learning the craft as a beginner.
    My biggest fear is the inexperience and lack of knowledge and wisdom.
    Often I feel as if things could really come back to me in an unhealthy way due to my inexperience and all that I do not know.
    I look forward to reading and learning more from you over time.
    Safe travels…Kristina

  3. Hello from not so far away. I actually live right outside of Austin and was more than excited to see that you are local to me. I am very much a beginner and have had a challenging last few months. I do feel lost in a sea of information. I would really like to meet people in person but I have no idea where to look. Could you help? Thank you so much either way, you are a blessing to our community.

    • Hi Brittany!
      Meeting people in person can be a challenge but Austin has some lovely pagan groups if you can make the stretch into town! I would suggest checking out for witchy and pagan groups in this area. Please keep your safety in mind though! I have a post about abuse in pagan communities that you should read before getting into those sorts of groups so that you know the warning signs and can avoid less than savory characters. I hope you find the community that you’re looking for!

  4. I have always been fascinated and drawn towards witchcraft since the age of about 13. Now 17 I realize I have a true passion for it. Growing up in a Christian family it was always hard to express who i truly am with everyone around me shaming witchcraft and saying how demonic it is. Been doing quite a bit of research but just like most, i don’t know where to start. I’ve been to websites that claim to tell you your "element" but after deeper research I’ve come to see that as a witch, you have to have a balance with all the elements. Just so much to take in and not knowing how to start is truly getting in my way. I know that this is my calling, but can you possibly tell me ways to get started?

  5. I know my whole life has been a journey to get to where I am. I finally embraced my true self as soon as my children grew up and moved out! I however feel like I am sinking in a sea of what and what not to do’s. I feel like I’m not succeeding in my path because everyone says you have to meditate everyday and for long periods and blah blah…so since I don’t know how to meditate and have such an over stimulated mind that is always thrashing about I feel like I instantly fail. I want the calm Zen but, I feel like maybe that will never happen and with saying that I feel like I may never succeed into a spiritual path and manage to perform spells.

    • Hi Thilene,
      Meditation can enhance your magical practice but you don’t need the "silent mind" style of meditation and you don’t need to spend hours working at it every day. And you can certainly do magic even WITHOUT meditation! Find meditations that work for you. Whether those are moving meditations, energy manipulation meditations, visualizations, mantras, or something else, there are a ton of ways to go about improving your mental and spiritual skills without dragging yourself through endless sessions of painful and impossible feeling meditations.

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My name is Avery Hart. I'm a witch, chaos magician, and occultist and have devoted 15 years to the study of all things witchcraft and occultism. My goal is to give you the tools and knowledge to make real, tangible changes to your life with magic. No fluff, no flowery cryptic language, just magic that you can start using today.

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