The Luxury Love Spell: Red Wine Hot Chocolate

As unpleasant as the topic of abuse may seem, it is a vital part of learning and growing as witches. There are predators in every community but pagan and occult communities present a particularly appealing environment to potential abusers. Pagan faiths and practices have a constant influx of new and inexperienced members who lack the knowledge and support systems to ward off abusers.

As always, preparation for spells is up to the individual witch. For this spell, getting into the right mindset is everything. You might take a cleansing bath, light candles and put on some good music. After that it’s time to call up your sacred space, cast your circles, consecrate your spoons, cleanse your stove, and whatever else it is that you do.

Red Wine Hot Chocolate

You Will Need:

  • 1 ½ C Milk
  • 1 C Red Wine ( I used Apothic Red, any red wine with dark fruity flavors works well though)
  • 1/3 C Dark Chocolate Chips
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick (optional)

In a saucepan over medium heat combine the milk, chocolate, salt and the cinnamon stick. Whisk until the chocolate is melted and you have a thick hot chocolate. Add the red wine and continue whisking until it’s heated. Remove the cinnamon stick and taste, depending on your preferences and choice of wine you may choose to sweeten your hot chocolate.

The intention in the preparation is important, of course, but the magic of this spell is in drinking it. Turn off any distractions and set aside your responsibilities. Get cozy, put on relaxing music and sip your hot chocolate slowly. Savor it, spoil yourself, let that indulgent pleasure envelop you. 

The core of this spell is really loving yourself the way you would want a new romantic partner to love you. You want to try and embody the love that you’re attracting so allowing yourself to sink deeply into the experience of indulging your senses is key.  Drink your hot cocoa under the stars or in a bubble bath. Slip into something comfy or maybe even a little racy! Have fun with it and allow yourself to make a bit of a production out of this spell.

If you’re not interested in finding a new lover this spell can also be altered quite easily to foster self love instead of new love OR you could make second serving and enjoy the entire ritual with your current lover to foster a deepening of the relationship. Simply adjust the intention and get to loving yourself.

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The Luxury Love Spell: Red Wine Hot Chocolate // Magick // Witchcraft // The Traveling Witch

Updated on August 20, 2023 by Avery Hart

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My name is Avery Hart. I'm a witch, chaos magician, and occultist and have devoted 15 years to the study of all things witchcraft and occultism. My goal is to give you the tools and knowledge to make real, tangible changes to your life with magic. No fluff, no flowery cryptic language, just magic that you can start using today.

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